Quiz 005 For Catholics

  1. Catholics may receive the Eucharist....

    Regardless of whether or not they are burdened by serious sin.
    Even though they are conscious of having commited and not yet confessed serious sin;
    Sin in your life doesn't matter.
    Only after confession and have been absolved from serious sins.
  2. Grace is a gift of God which empowers us, enlightens, and sanctifies us. In married, grace is given....

    Anytime one person ask the other forgivens.
    Once and for all at the time of the ceremony.
    On each anniversary of the marriage .
    Continuously throughout the whole of married life.
  3. The Catholic concept of responsible parenthood means in the matter of having children.

    That they give proper weight to the Christian virtues of self-sacrifice and moderation in the goods of the world.
    That they follow the norms of Christian prudence in making their decisions-praying for guidance and seeking spiritual advice.
    That wife and husband agree not to practice artificial contraception.
    All of the Above
  4. Marriage being a place of honor was restored by Christ..

    By the institution within His church of the Sacrament of Matrimony,
    By His rejection of divorce and remarriage.
    By His presence and participation in the marriage feast of Cana:
    All of the above steps. A, B, C
  5. An adopted son/daughter of God and brother/sister of Jesus Christ, the baptized Christian.....

    is still a human being who must strive with God's help to live a life modeled on Christ's life.
    is automatically saved, no matter what kind of life he/she leads;
    is confirmed in a state of goodness and holiness;
    None of the above
  6. Provided one pours water while saying the proper words, and intends to do what the Church does when bapizing.....

    Only a Priest can baptize someone.
    Only a bapized Catholic can baptize an unbaptized person
    Only a leader of a Christian church can baptize an unbaptized person.
    anyone can baptize an unbaptized person.
  7. Baptism may be received

    Often if you change Churches
    Two or three Times in one's life;
    As many times as you want.
    Once in a lifetime
  8. The Church supplies for the infant in an infant Baptism.....

    A desire to be baptized
    Implicit repentance for sins;
    Fidelity and faith
    All three of the above
  9. If there is no danger of death, an infant should be bapized.....

    Infants should wait until they become adults
    If they die without Bapism they are damned
    If they die without Baptism they will go into Limbo
    The sooner they are baptized, the sooner they are reborn into supernatural life and become Christian Children in the Christian family.
  10. Godparents should be 16 years of age and ......

    Any family friend
    The Mother's / Father's family
    Reasonable well-to-do person
    Practicing Catholics
  11. The giving of a Christian name to the newly baptized, sometimes neglected nowadays......

    Is simply a fold-custom with no real religious significane
    Is required by cannon law.
    Represents unity with the larger Church and a connection wtih a patron saint.
    Non of the above
  12. Whom did Jesus promised the Power of the Holy Spirit too...

    To the Apostles Alone
    All who were to be members of the Church and the Apostles
    Only to those who were there at the time
    To the clergy and the Aposties only.
  13. Christ's promise to send the Holy Spirit refers....

    Only to Baptism
    Only to Confirmation
    To Baptism and in a special way to confirmation
  14. None of the above
  15. Confirmation is......

    Always administered at the time of Baptism.
    Never administered at the time of Baptism
    Not usually administered at the time of Baptism, in the Latin Church
    None of the above
  16. Confirmation is usually administered to Catholics of the Roman Rite in the U.S. and Canada.........

    When they fill that they are ready
    At the time of preparation for marriage
    In infancy
    In early adolescence
  17. Persons who respond in faith and action to the graces of Confirmation will find.....

    Their study of the faith more motivated by a desire completely to defend and promote it.
    All of them (A C D)
    Their self-interests giving way to sincere concern about the spiritual needs of others.
    Their faith growing stronger in awareness of their closeness to God.
  18. Properly receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation requires

    Confession on one's sins and expressing sorrow for our sins;
    Receiving the absolution of the priest-confessor and accepting the penance he imposes.
    Sincerely promising to try to do better;
    All of the Above
  19. When properly repentant, the following may receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

    People of any religion
    Person who is not religion
    Any person Catholic or non Catholic
    Only the baptized
  20. Jesus in His Church intends the Sacrament of Reconciliation

    To be standing warning to sinners to beware of divine justice and live in real fear
    To Be very uncomfortable form of punishment for sin;
    To be an experience of pardon, mercy, encouragement and peace
  21. In absolving a sinner, the priest

    Acts simply as a human counseler and judge
    Acts on his own authority as a spiritual person
    Acts as the authentic agent of Jesus present in His Church.
  22. Jesus gave His Apostles the power to forgive sins and

    Did intend for sinners to admit to their specific sins
    Did not think about whether sinners should confess their sins
    . Did not intend for sinners to admit their specific sins.
  23. The sacrament of reconciliation began on Easter night when Jesus said to the Apostles.

    B, C, D
    Whose sins you shall retain they are retained
    . "Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them"
    Receive the Holy Spirit
  24. The minister of Confirmation is

    A bishop
    A bishop or a priest
    A bishop, priest, or deacon
    Deacon, Priest,
  25. The Sacrament of Anoiniting if necessary provides for the forgiveness of sins.

    If a person does not want to confess his or her sins, they can simply be anointed instead.
    The dying should not confess their sins and receive absolution
    Forgiveness is given through Anointing if a person is unable to confess his or her sins.
  26. The first public conferral of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and through them to the future Church occurred.

    At Christ's appearance to the Aposties after the Resurrection
    On Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4)
    At the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan