Declared by angels
Gabriel to Mary Lk 1:26-33
Gabriel to Joseph Mt 1:20-23
Gabriel to Shepherds LK 28:11
Gabriel to Women Mt. 28:5-6

Declared by the Father
At His baptism  Mt 3:16,17
At His Transfiguration Mt 17:5
Shortly before His passing Jn 12:27,28

Declared by His mightily miracles Jn 20: 30,31  21:25
Declared by His powerful Sermons  Lk  4:32  Jn 7:46
Declared by His accurate prophecies Mt 26:32
Declared by His sinless life  Jn 14:30
Declared by when attested by Pilate  Jn 19:4
Declared by Pilate’s  Wife  Mt 27:19
Declared by Judas  Mt 27:4
Declared by the dying thief  Lk 23:41
Declared by Roman Centurion  Lk 23:47
Declared by a healed Maniac  Mt 8: 28,29
Declared by a man in Capernaum  Lk 4:33,34
Declared by many in Capernaum  Lk 4:41   Mk 3:11
Declared by those who worshiped Him
Shepherds Lk 2:15
Wisemen Mt 2: 2,11
Leper Mt 8:2
Ruler Mt 9:18
Gentile Mother  Mt 15:25
Hebrew Mother Mt.  20:20
Maniac Mk 5:6
Blind man Jn 9:38
Apostle (Thomas) Jn 20: 28
All Apostles  Mt. 14:33  28:9

Declared by Satan Mt. 4:3,6
Declared by Himself  when He referred to Himself as God Jn 9:35  10:36  11:4
Declared by forgiving Sins  Mk 2: 5,10
Declared by Man’s Judge  Jn 5:22,27
Declared by being the Author of Life  Jn 5:24, 28, 29
Declared by being Honored like the father Jn 5:23
Declared by Him alone having the power to save  Jn 10: 28  Lk 19:10 Jn 14: 6


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