Dear Donna

This blanket was a gift for you,
It came from Grace and Ken,
I kept it for your "very best",
And I has always been.

I put it in the chest one day,
To keep it just for you,
I hoped that there would be a time,
When you could use it too.

That day is drawing very near,
When you "little One" is due,
So I took it out and did it up,
To give it back to you.

So as you wrap your "little One",
Remember this is true,
The love you hold for yours to-day,
Is the same I had for you.

I know that when you baby comes,
It will answer many dreams,
So enjoy each moment that you can,
They're gone too soon it seems.

It may be a cuddly little girl,
Or a just as cuddly boy,
But God has offered you this gift,
For you two to enjoy.

So wrap it in this blanket,
With love and joy and care,
And remember there is nothing else,
That ever can compare.

With Love always,





AUTHOR: Margaret Shankland