They put my Savior on a cross,
With a crown of thorns; that day,
His precious hands were pierced with nails,
His clothes; they took away.
They slapped Him with their open hands,
And spit into His face,
They laughed; and mocked my Savior,
But it was their disgrace.
They put Him in a borrow tomb,
For He had none of His own,
They put a guard before the door,
And sealed it with a stone.
But when the Sabbath ended,
And the women came at dawn,
Though their hearts were nearly breaking,
They had to carry on.
They wondered who would help them,
To roll the stone away,
But when they saw the empty tomb,
They only felt dismay.
"He is gone"; the angel told them,
"God has rolled the stone away",
They thought He had been stolen,
And the angel wouldn't say.
"Where did you take our Master?
We must find Him if we Can,
For He hasn't been anointed,
And He must; you understand",
He has gone back to His Father,
And He's alive to-day,
So dry your tears; and tell His friends,
He hasn't gone away.
AUTHOR: Margaret Shankland