My little girl!, is all grown up,
And you've got yourself a man.
I'd like to pass along some tips,
I've learned, you understand.

I'm getting old and don't recall,
Just everything, you see.
But I'd like to share a couple things,
That was a help to me.

When your Grandpa found a button loose,
He'd nearly have a fit.
So I'd get my thread and needle out,
And calm him down a bit.

Another thing he didn't like,
Was covers not tucked in.
And if  a hole was in his socks,
You'd think it was a sin.

Sometimes I'd want a "special thing",
He'd say "We couldn't buy it",
But I'd cook him up his favorite meal,
And he'd say "We'd maybe try it".

Of course there's other tricks that work,
As you are soon to learn.
But you'll have to work that out yourself,
Cause that's not my concern.

Sometimes it's good to have a "spat",
And clear the air a bit.
As long as there's a "making-up",
To go along with it.

When you've spilled the milk and burned the pie,
And you've broke your favorite platter.
If you can laugh a little bit,
Then it really doesn't matter.

To love and laugh and have a dream,
Is what it takes, my dear.
To fill each day with happiness,
When little doubts appear.

So feed him good and share his dreams,
And keep your love alive.
And then you'll know without a doubt,
What makes a marriage thrive.

AUTHOR: MarWith love and wishes for the best,
Of all that marriage brings.
I add my little bit to you,
With all your pretty things.


Margaret Shankland 1982