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Genesis 12
The book of Genesis spans a period of 2350 years. The first eleven chapters speaks of the Creation of the universe, The Fall, The Flood and the Tower of Babel which covers a period of 2000 years The last 3 chapters concerning Abram and his seed which covers 350 years. Abram was spoken of 308 times in the Bible and 234 in the Old Testament. This shows the importance of Abram.
The Promise 12:2, 3 ; 22:18 God first called Abrahm in UR Act 7:24 Genesis 11:31 Again in Haren 12:1-4 Again in Shechem 12:7 Again in Bethel 13:14-17 Twice in Hebron 15:5, 18 ; 17:1-8 The promise was repeated to Jacob 28:13, 14 ; 35:11, 12 ; 46:3,4 and to Isaac 26:3,4
CHAPTER 12:4-9 ABRAHAM'S ENTRANCE INTO CANAAN: Haran, 400 miles northwest from Canaan, about 600 miles northwest from UR. It was the first toping spot for Abraham, not knowing where he was going, he had left UR for in search of a land that he could built a nation free from idolatry Hebrew 11:8 After the death of his father, Terah, Abraham under the call of God moved on in search of a sparsely settled land because Haran had roads to Babylon, Egypt, Asia Minor, Syria, Assyria and caravans and Armies on constant march. Abraham's first stopping place in Canaan was Shecham. Between Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim. Shecham was in a vale of surpassing beauty. Soon to move on after building an altar to God. 10 miles north of Jerusalem 20 miles south of Shechem was Abraham's next stopping spot called Bethel. With a magnificent view in every direction with the highest point in Canaan. The Jordan Valley was on the east and the Sea Coast Plain on the west. He followed the top of the mountain range. As he head done in Hebron , and Shechem he built an Altar as a publication of his faith to the people among whom he had com to live and acknowledgment to God. Bethel is where he settled when he returned from Egypt until he and Lot separated.
CALL TO ABRAHAM: The story of Redemption that starts which was hinted at in the Garden of Eden 3:15 400 years after the flood and 2000 years after the creation and the fall of man, the world had lapsed into wickedness and idolatry. Abraham was to be the founder of a movement of Reclamation and Redemption Abraham a believer in God , a righteous man was promised by God that his descendants would, (1.) inherit the land of Canaan (2.) They would become a great nation. (3.) All Nation would be blessed through them.
Abraham believed in one God. How Abraham knew about God with his countrymen and father being an idolater. No doubt by direct revelation from God. Noah's life extended to the birth of Abraham, then Noah's life was overlapped by Methuselah by 600 years, then Methuselah life was overlapped by Adam for 243 years. Abrahm may of learned directly from Shem Noah's account of the flood and Methuselah's account of Acam and the Garden of Eden.
Chapter 12:10-19 ABRAHAM'S SOJOURN IN EGYPT: On the way south from Bethel as he journeyed he must of passed close to Jerusalem. Abraham may of called on Melchizedek, if he was Shem. Abraham's journeyed on into Egypt on account of the famine and to sojourn there until the end of the famine. He came close to having trouble because of his wife. His wife, Sarah was a beautiful women. At that time Powerful princes had a practice of confiscating beautiful women for them self and killing their husbands. Sara, his wife was his half sister 20:12 So he cautious subterfuge calling Sara his sister and it was not a lie. Till the growth of families offered wider selection, marriages between near relatives was common in the early ages.