BAAL/BAALIM -- He was the chief Canaanite god Judg 2:13 thought to provide fertility for livestock and crops. His worship was associated with immorality Hos 9:10 and with child sacrifice Jer 19:5 The Hebrew people often committed idolatry by worshiping Baal which was especially offensive to the one true God of the Israelites. Elijah denounced the prophets of Baal and God won a decisive victory over this pagan god on Mt Carmel I Kings 18:17-40 Baalim: I Sam 19:10 plural form. I Sam 12:10
BAALAH -- (ba'-al-ah) Kiriath-jearim's earlier name Josh 15:9 ; 1st Chron 13:6
BAALATH -- Solomon built this town I Kings 9:18 and used it apparently as a storage city II Chron 8:6
BAAL-BERITH -- At Shechem in the time of the judges a name under which the pagan Canaanite god Baal was worshiped. Judg 9:4
BAAL-GAD -- (ba'al-gad_ A town that was west of Mount Hermon. Extinging as far as Baal-gad was the territory conquered by Joshua Josh 11:27 ; 12:7 ; 13:5
BAAL-HANAN -- (ga'-al-ha-nan) A king of Edom Gen 36:38-39
BAAL-HAZOR -- (ba'-al-ha'-zor) Seven and a half miles south of Shiloh
BAAL-PEOR -- Baal-peor was worshiped by the Moabites and it was a local manifestation of the pagan Canaanite god Baal. Deut 4:3
BAAL-PERAZIM/PERAZIM -- David defeated the Philistines at this place in central Palestine II Sam 5:18-20 Perazim: Isa 28:21
BAAL-ZEBUB/BEELZEBUB -- At Ekron the Philistines worshiped this pagan Canaanite god Baal and used these names. II Kings 1:2 The form in the New Testament was Beelzebub a title for Satan, meaning "prince of devils" Matt 12:26-27
BAASHA -- He killed Nadab, then destroying all his family and then reigning for twenty-four years over Israel. He had been an Army officer from the tribe of Issachar and the son of Abijah. He was at war with Asa, King of Judah all during his reign. His house was destroyed by a usurper as he had done to Nadab two years after his death. I Kings 15 , 16 ; II Chronicles 16
BABEL, TOWER OF -- Built on the plain of Shinar in ancient Babylonia as a show of human pride and vanity a tall structure known as a ziggurat. God confused the builders' language so they could not communicate. They were scattered abroad after they abandoned the project. Gen 11:1-9
BABYLON -- The Babylonian Empire's capital city built by Nimrod the hunter Gen 10:9-10 Under Nebuchadnezzar Babylon was a magnificent city-state which attained its greatest power. It was the site of the tower of Babel Dan 4:1-3, 30 After the fall of Jerusalem in 587 B.C. as captives the Jewish people were taken to Babylonia II Chron 36:5-31
BABYLONIA/SHESHACH/SHINAR/SCALDEA. -- About 587 BC in Mesopotamia this powerful nation carried the Jewish people into exile. Also called Sheshack Jer 25:26 Shinar Isa 11:11 and the land of the Chaldeans Ezek 12:13 Nebuchadnezzar reigned about 605-560 B.C. where Babylonia reached the zenith of its power. Dominated by worship of Merodach, the Babylonian god of war the nation was a center of idolatry dominated. Jer 50:2 About 539 B.C. After holding the Jewish people captive for many years Isaiah and Jeremiah prophecies were fulfilled by the Babylonians being defeated by the Persians. Isa 14:22 ; Jer 50:9
BABYLONISH GARMENT -- Kept by Achan as part of the spoils of war after the battle of Jericho, an expensive embroidered robe Josh 7:21
BACKBITING -- The act of speaking spitefully, slandering or reviling of others considered unworthy behavior of a Christian II Cor 12:20
BACKSLIDING -- After conversion to God then the act of turning away from God. Backsliding causes are spiritual blindness II Pet 1:9 Love of material things I Tim 6:10, or persecution Matt 13:20-21 The sin they commit separates the backslider from God's blessing Isa 59:2 To receive God's forgiveness they must have confession and repentance. I John 1:9 and restoration Ps 51
BADGER (GOATS' HAIR, HIDES OF SEA COWS) -- The skins of these animal were used as the covering for the tabernacle Exod 25:5
BALAAM -- The king of Moab Balak, was terrified because he saw the plain covered with Israelites. In Pethor, a city on the Euphrates River, the prophet, Balaam was sent for to curse the Israelites so that Balak could drive them away. On God's order Balaam refuse to go a first, later he departed to go to Balak and was encountered by God's angel on the way. Some thing unusual happen, his mule begin to speaking to him. So Balaam didn't curse the Israelites but gave them a blessing. Balaam then foretold the future splendor of Israel and was sent away with out his reward. Number 22 , 23 , 24 ; II Peter 2:15 ; Jude 1 ; Revelation 2:14
BALAK/BALAC -- This king of Moab attempted to hire Balaam the soothsayer to curse the Hebrews while they were crossing his territory. His scheme failed when God forced Balaam not to curse them but to bless them instead Num 22-24 Balac: Greek form Rev 2:14
BALANCE, BALANCES (SCALES) -- Used by merchants to weigh food in business transactions an instrument with matched weights, weights on one side and then they place the food or merchant-dice on the other side until they are even. Prov11:1
BLAM OF GILEAD -- Exported from Gilead in Arabia an aromatic gum or resin. It may of been used for medicinal purposes and incense. Jer 8:22
BANQUET -- Usually served on a special occasion, an sumptuous and elaborate meal. The plot of Haman to destroy the Jews during a banquet was exposed by Ester. Esther 7:1
BAPTISM -- The lowering of the body into water or the sprinkling of water on, which was an observance signifying a believer's cleansing from sin through Christ atoning death. Converts were batiste by John the Baptist to signify their repentance Matt 3:6-8 John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan River to fulfill all righteousness and to set an example fro us Matt 3:15 Jesus' baptism was expressed by the descent of the Holy Spirit and a voice from heaven showing the Father's approval. Mark 1:10-11
BARABBAS -- A murderer and a thief Barabbas had probably taken part in one of the many revolts during the time of Portius Pilate. When Jesus was arrested, Marabbas was being held. During Passover it was a custom during Passover to release a prisoner. Pilate hoped that this was a way he could dismiss Jesus with out more trouble for him. The crowd called for Marabbas to be released because the priests and elders incited the crowd. Matthew 27:16 , 17 , 20 , 21 , 26 , ; Mark 15:7 , 11 , 15
BARAK -- A Naphtalite and the son of Abinoam was called by Deborah to save Israel. He encamped on Mt. Tabor, overlooking the enemy on the plain below with an army of 10,000. Leading his army into battle on Deborah's signal he defeated Sisera, the leader of the Canaanite forces. After pursuing him he found him slain by Jael, the wife of Heber. Judges 4 1-24 ; 5:1 ; 12 ; 15
BARBARIAN -- Greeks used this word meaning "uncivilized" to designate foreigners, or other nations' citizens. Rom 1:14
BAR-JESUS/ELYMAS -- A false prophet and sorcerer during the first missionary journey of Paul and Silas he opposed them Acts 13:6-12
BAR-JONA -- Meaning "son of Jonah" it was the surname of the apostle Peter Matt 16:17
BARLEY -- Used for food for livestock a grain similar to oats I Kings 4:28 and by poor people it was ground into meal for bread. John 6:5 , 13
BARNABAS/JOSES -- He is first reported in Acts as having sold all his property and given the Christian Community all the money received. He worked with Paul for more than a year in Antioch after introducing Paul to the Christians in Jerusalem. The were both consecrated as missionaries by the church. John Mark, Barnabas' cousin caused them differences of opinion on several matters which caused them to separate several times. Acts 4:36 ; 9:27 ; 11:22 , 25 , 30 ; 12:25 ; 13 ; 14 ; 15 Galatians 2:1 , 9 , 13
BARREN -- Unable to bear children. Barren was seen as God's judgment in the Old Testament time. I Sam 1:5-7
BARTHOLOMEW -- We believe Bartholomew was the surname of Nathanael who lived in Cana, a town near Nazareth. Bartholomew is the one who stated "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" Philip invited him to come to see for himself and then he believed in Jesus' divinity when Jesus said that He had already seen Bartholomew standing under the fig tree. Bartholomew is believed to have preached in India, Armenia, and Calicia. Bartholomew was martyred in 44 in Armenia by being flayed alive and that is why three large knives, the instrument of his death , have become his symbol in church art. He was associated with the spread of the gospel in Lycanonia (an ancient county in southern Asia Minor) Indai, and Armentia (an ancient country in western Asia, part of the Sovien Union in its time, Northwest of Iran and east of Turkey) He is believed to be buried in the church so named, on the Tiber Island. He is only mention in Matthew 10:3 ; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:14 ; Acts 1:13
BARTIMAEUS -- Jesus performed a miracle and this blind beggar received his sight Mark 10:46
BARUCH -- The prophet Jeremiah's scribe and friend who faithfully recorded Jeremiah's messages warning of the impending defeat of the nation of Judah Jer 36:4-32 He fled to Egypt after the fall of Jerusalem like Jeremiah did. Jer 43:1-7
BARZILLAL -- David's aged friend who help the king during his flight from Absalom II Sam 17:27-29
BASHAN -- East of the Jordan River a fertile plain conquered by the Israelites Num 21:33 which was then allotted to the half-tribe of Manasseh Josh 13:29-30
BASON (BASIN, BOWI) -- Container used as a ceremonial vessel in the tabernacle or temple Exod 24:6 and in the home II Sam 17:28 BAT -- Considered unclean by the Hebrews a nocturnal flying mammal Lev 11:19
BATH -- Equivalent to about six gallons a standard Hebrew measure for liquids. I Kings 7:26
BATHING -- To make it ceremonially pure and clean a washing of the body Lev 15:5 , 16
BATHSHEBA/BATH-SHUA -- She was the wife of Uriah the Hittite who was a mighty warrior in David's army. David desired her and want to have so he planned the death of Uriah in battle. David and Bathsheba had four sons, the most famous was Solomon. Bathsheba was given a place of honor at the right hand of Solomon because she successfully sought the throne of Israel for Solomon. The book of Proverbs closely resembles her life and is believe to been written by her. I Kings 1:11 , 15 , 16 , 28 , 31 ; 2:13 , 18 , 19 ; II Samuel 11:3 ; 12:24
BATTLEMENT (PARAPET) -- Required by law to prevent falls a railing around the roof of a house Deut 22:8
BDELLIUM -- Refers to a fragrant gum resin Num 11:7 and as well as a precious stone Gen 2:12
BEAR -- A large animal which was common in Palestine in the Bible Times. Bears are carnivoran mammals of the family Ursidae. They are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans. As a shepherd David killed a bear while protecting his father's sheep I Sam 17:34-37
BEARD -- Facial hair that is trimmed and groomed is a mark of pride among Jewish Men. A gesture of anguish and grief was showed by shaving one's beard of pull out the hair. Jer 48:37-38
BEATITUDES -- At the beginning of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount pronouncements of blessings. Those who recognize their spiritual needs God's special reward is promised to them. Matt 5:3 those who mourn Matt 5:4 those who are humble Matt 5:5 obedient Matt5:6 merciful Matt 5:7 pure in heart Matt 5:8 those who practice peacemaking Matt 5:9 and those who are persecuted for Jesus' sake Matt 5:10-11
BEAUTIFUL GATE -- In New Testament times at the temple area in Jerusalem this gate served as one of the main entrances. Acts 3:2
BEDAN -- He served after Gideon and before Jephthah a minor judge of Israel but his name is not recorded in the book of Judges I Sam 12:11
BEDCHAMBER (BED ROOM) -- Of Bible times it was the sleeping room in houses II Sam 4:7-11
BEELIADA/ELIADA -- David's son born at Jerusalem I Chron 14:7 Eliada II Sam 5:16 ; I Chron 3:8
BEER | (1.) | The Israelites camped during their wilderness wanderings in this place in Moab. Num 21:16-18 Beer Elim is possibly the same place Isa 15:8 |
(2.) | Jotham sought refuge from his brother Abimelech in this town in Judah Judg 9:21 |
BEER-SHEBA -- Abimelech and Abraham dug this well in southern Judah to seal their covenant of friendship. Gen 21:31 The surrounding wilderness also became known as Beer-Sheba Gen 21:14 and the important city that was built at the well. Gen 26:32-33
BEGGAR -- One who lives by receiving handouts Luke 16:3 God commanded the Israelites to care for the poor. Deut 15:7-10
BEGOTTEN -- This word is used to describe Christ as the unique and only Son of His heavenly Father John 3:16-18
BEGUILE -- To defraud, deceive, or cheat, Characteristic of Satan's actions The serpent in the Garden of Eden beguiled Eve. Gen 3:13
BEHEADING -- A form of execution or capital punishment by cutting off a person's head. John the Baptist was beheaded. Matt 14:10
BEHEMOHT -- Mentioned by Job, a large beast Job 40:15-24
BEKAH -- A Hebrew weight equal to about one-quarter ounce or one-half shekel Exod 38:26
BELIAL -- A word for wicked people or wickedness I Kings 21:10 It can also mean wickedness personified reference to Satan II Cor 6:15
BELIEVE -- To trust or accept fully. For Salvation it is necessary to believe. Acts 16:31 and essential to righteousness Gal 3:6
BELIEVERS -- A term used for Christian converts Act 5:14 The believers enjoyed fellowship and shared property according to need at Pentecost Act s2:44-45 Timothy was encouraged by Paul to serve as an example for other believers. I Tim 4:12
BELLOWS -- Used to force air onto a fire to make it hot enough to work metal and used as a tool by a blacksmith Jer 6:29
BELSHAZZAR -- After Nebuchadnezzar was king Belshazzar became the last king of Babylon. Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the wall that Belshazzar had seen. Soldiers of Darius invaded the palace that night and Belshazzar was slain. Daniel 5 ; 7:1 ; 8:1
BENAIAH -- A commander of David's bodyguard, David and Solomon's loyal supporter. II Sam 20:23 later he became Solomon's army commander-in-chief I Kings 2:35
BEN-AMMI -- Born in a cave near Zoar Gen 19:30-38 Lot's son by his youngest daughter. He was the ancestor of the Ammonites.
BENEDICATION A prayer for God's blessings upon His people which priests were to use was given to Aaron through Moses that was spoken by God Num 6:22-26
BENEVOLENCE -- Generosity toward others which Paul commended generosity toward the needy Gal 2:10. As a Christian benevolence should be shown toward God's servants Phil 4:14-17 and even toward our enemies Prov 25:21
BEN-HADAD -- a general title for the kings of Damascus, Syria | (1.) | Ben-hadad I reigned about 950 B.C. He invaded the Northern Kingdom in league with Asa, king of Judah I Kings 15:18-21 |
(2.) | Ben-hadad II reigned about 900 B.C. He waged war against King Ahab of Israel, This Ben-hadad could be the unnamed "King of Syria" who the prophet Elisha healed the officer Naaman of leprosy. II Kings 5:1-19 | |
(3.) | Ben-hadad III reigned about 750 B.C. As the prophet Amos had predicted he was defeated by the Assyrian army Amos 1:4 |
BENJAMIN -- The idol of Jacob and his youngest son, His birth took place where his mother, Rachel, died near Bethlehem. Many half brother but only one full brother who demanded that Benjamin be brought to him in Egypt if they wanted food during the famine. The latest and smallest of the twelve tribes of Israel received their name from Benjamin. The following three descended from this tribe. King Saul, Jeremiah, and St. Paul. Genesis 35:18 , 24 ; 42:4, 36 ; 43:14 , 15, 16 , 29 , 34 ; 44:12 ; 45:12 , 14 , 22 ; 46:19 , 21 ; 49:27
BEREA (BEROEA) -- Paul visited this city in southern Macedonia. Many became believers after they searched the scriptures eagerly Acts 17:10-15
BERNICE -- Herod Agrippa II, Roman governor of Palestine sister. Paul appeared before him. When Paul made his defense she was present. Acts 26:1-32
BERODACH-BALADAN/MERODACH-BALADAN -- Reigned about 721-704 B.C. as king of Babylonia. During his reign he sent ambassadors to visit King Hezekiah of Judah. An act condemned by the prophet Isaiah, Hezekiah showed them his vast wealth to them. II Kings 20:12-19
BEROTHAL (BEROTHAH) -- Taken by David a city of Syria II Sam 8:8 Berothan: Ezek 47:16
BERYL (CHRYSOLITE) -- Used in the breastplate of the high priest a precious stone Exod 28:20 Also used in the foundation of New Jerusalem Rev 21:20
BESEECH -- To ask or request earnestly Rom 12:1
RESIEGE -- With armed forces to surround some thing Deut 20:12
BESOR -- Crossed by David's army in pursuit of the Amalekites a brook south of Ziklag. I Sam 30:9-21
BESTIALITY -- Sex relations with an animal, those who were guilty of this offense received the death penalty. Exod 22:19
BETH -- Used as a heading over Ps 119:9-16 The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
BETHABARA --John the Baptist baptized believers at this place on the Jordan River John 1:28 He also baptized Jesus at this place John 1:29-34
BETHANY -- Near the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem a village Mark 11:1 This was the home of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha John 11:1 From Bethany Jesus ascended to heaven Luke 24:50
BETHEL/LUZ/EL-BETHEL -- Jacob had his life-changing vision of angels going up and down a staircase in this city north of Jerusalem. Gen 28:10-19 Jacob, renamed the city Bethel it was called by its Canaanite name of Luz Gen 28:19 El-bethel Gen 35:7
BETHESDA (BETH-ZATHA) -- Believed to have miraculous healing powers this pool in Jerusalem is where Jesus healed a lame man . John 5:2-8
BETH-HORON -- In Bible times these twin towns, Upper and Lower Beth-horon in the territory of Ephraim served as important military outposts. They were located in the main pass through the mountains between the Mediterranean Sea and Jerusalem. The cities were fortified by Solomon to protect Jerusalem from invading armies II Chron 8:5
BETHLEHEM/BETH-LEHEM-JUDAH/EPHRATH/EPHRATAH -- Also called Beth-lehem-judah a town located in southern Palestine near Jerusalem Judg 19:18 In fulfillment of prophecy Jesus was born here Mic 5:2 ; Luke 2:4-7 King David grew up there centuries before so it was also called "city of David" I Sam 16 1-13 Ruth, David's ancestor gleaned grain in the fields of Boaz nearby Ruth 2:4-8 In the Old Testament time Bethlehem was known as Ephrath Gen 35:16-19 and Ephratah Ruth 4:11
BETH-PEOR -- Where Moses was buried, a town of Moab east of the Jordan river in the territory Deut 34:6
BETHPHAGE -- Just outside of Jerusalem and was mentioned in connection with Jesus' triumphant entry into the city a village neart Bethany and the Mount of Olives. Matt 21:1
BETHSAIDA -- The home of Andrew, Peter, and Philip, Apostles a fishing village on the sea of Galillee. John 1:44 The Bethsaida where the 5,000 were fed Luke 9:10-17 was a different city with the same name is believed by some Scholars.
BETH-SHAN/BETHSHEAN -- King Saul's corpse was displayed in this Philistine city . I Sam 31:10-13 Solomon stationed troops in this city in later years I Kings 4:12 Beth-shean: Josh 17:11
BETH-SHEMESH/IR-SHEMESH -- Taken by the Philistines between the territories of Judah and Dan a border town. The ark of the coventant was kept there later I Sam 6:10-7:2 Ir-shemesh: Josh 19:41
BETH-ZUR -- King Rehoboam had this city in the mountains of Judah fortified as a defensive outpost along the road leading to Jerusalem II Chron 11:7
BETROTHAL -- The parents of the bride and groom usually made a marriage agreement. In the Old Testament time a betrothed woman was regarded as the lawful wife of her spouse. Joseph and Mary were betrothed before the birth of Jesus. Matt 1:18-19
BEULAH -- When the nation of Israel would be in a fruitful relationship with God, a name for Israel after the Babylonian Exile Isa 62:4
BEZER -- In the territory of Reuben a fortified city that was designated as one of the six cities of refuge Josh 20:8
BIBLE -- The Bible is inspired and inerrant: Main Author, God
Now I will explain why Christianity is the true religion and all the other ones are false. All Christianiry is based on the Bible. No other religion has a book that can match the bible. Islam has a book that they follow, but doesn't have any of the historical accuracy of the bible, the Chronology and World Events, nor any of the prophecy that was written hundreds of years before they happen. Nor does Islam give you the insurance of going to heaven. You have Hinduism, Primal-Indigenous, Sikhism, Separatism, Judaism and all of the other religions I have named having you worshipping dead people, or things made in the likeness of something. None has the power of a living God or the universal influence as Christianity has. . The World’s calendar is based on the life and death of Jesus Christ. B.C= Before Christ and A.D. “anno domini” or in English
The word “bible” comes from the Greek language. “bib lion” meaning the book and plural is “tabiblia” the books. Testament meaning pact, an agreement, covenant. The bible is broken into two testaments, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament containing 45 books and the New Testament containing 27 books. In Greek the word “canon” means a straight rod or a carpenter’s rule.
As long as the prophets and apostles were alive there was no need of a written canon. However with the death of the prophets and apostles and with the pasting of time there grew several needs for the writing of the books and to have them recorded without them from being corrupted or totally destroyed.
Another reason the question arose to which books right deserved to be named inspired and sacred was the Emperor Diocletian in A. D. 302 proclaimed an order that all of the sacred Books was to be destroyed.
Twenty out of the twenty seven books were accepted as genuine and called “homologoumena” the four gospels, the acts, epistles of Paul, first epistles of John and Peter. The other seven books; Hebrews, 2nd and 3rd John, 2nd Peter, Jude, James, Revelations were disputed for a time by particular churches and were called “Antilegomena”
Apocryphal Books derived their name from the Greek word “Apokrupohos” which means “hidden” they were called this for the reason that they were spurious, unknown Authority and hidden. They were not recognized as inspired books by the Jews. They didn’t meet their standards that they had set up for the inspired books to meet. The Jews regarded them as having high authority, high esteem as being a valuable history of their nation. They were regarded by the roman church as inspired books.
Christianity is based on “Jesus of Nazareth” the bible is God’s Word. Jesus was born a Jew and before His coming due to the consequence of the conquest of Alexander the Great, the Jews were divided into two different groups. One group was living in Palestine and speaking Hebrew. The other group of Jews were living in the conquered Roman Empire area and speaking Greek. There are no original manuscripts of any of the bible today because of the custom of the Jews any soiled or worn out copies of the scripture were too be burned or to have them buried.
The bible starts off with the book of Genesis, where it is giving you the genealogy of the world. Genesis 1:1—2:3. Nothing can explain our existence except the bible. Scientist has tried by using the “The “Big Bang Theory “It has the world at being about five to fifty billion years old. The radiometric dating that they use has many problems: certain rocks from volcanoes in Russia using this method of testing placed the rocks to be four billion years old, however it is known fact that they were formed with in the last 200 years. Population Statistic, Amount of helium in the atmosphere, Absence of meteorite dust, decay of earth’s magnetic field, Imbalance of carbon -14 and carbon -12 are other problems with the “The Big Bang Theory”
Many people have tried to destroy the historical accuracy of the bible and have failed to do so. Christianity is the only religion that has been given a book from God that has the historical accuracy of the bible. Take the flood in Genesis seven that claims the flood was worldwide. Scientist has found thousands of fossils of fish on top of Mountains, and over Mount Everest. A whale’s skeleton was found on the top of Mount Saxhorn on the Arctic coast. This proves that there was a flood world wide as stated in the bible.
In Genesis 6:14 of the bible it tells us about Noah’s Ark. Noah build the ark around 2166 BC. Since 1840 A.C. there has been a number of reports of finding the Ark on top of Mt. Ararat. An America’s leading systematic taxonomists list the following numbers for animal species according to the best estimates of modern taxonomy. Mammals 3,500, Birds 8,600; Reptiles and Amphibian 5,500 and worms 25,500 It is esteemed that it would take 150 train cars to hold the estimated 35,000 individual vertebrate animals the size of a sheep. (Overall average) The size of the ark would be about 520 train cars, plenty of room for all the animals and Noah’s family. Since 1840 after a great earthquake a hand-tooled timber structure has been reported over a dozen times on top of Mt. Ararat which is treeless. All of the witnesses have reported the same information: (1). ship half buried in a partly melted lake, (2). the structure is found around 13 thousand feet, (3). Inside is filled with wooden separators (like bars in a cage) (4). Inside and outside covered with varnish or lacquer, (5). The main door was missing. In Genesis 6:14 gopher wood was used and pitch was placed on the inside and outside of the Ark.
In Josh 6-8 of the Old Testament it tells us about the walls of Jericho and how the city was destroyed. In Josh 6:20 it stated that the wall fell down so that the people went up into the city. Everyone in the city was to be killed except Rehab and her house hold. The ruins of Jericho today show evidence it was destroyed the way the bible stated it happen. What is unique is that walls normally fall inward not outward as the ruins of Jericho walls are. The walls fell almost like forming steps except one section of it. This section shows living quarters that did not fall. Chapter two fifteen states that Rehab “house was upon the town wall she dwelt upon the wall”.
In verse 26 Joshua makes an amazing three fold prophecy: 1. Jericho would be rebuilt again by one man. 2. The builder’s oldest son would die when the work begun. 3. The builder’s youngest son would die when the work was completed. 1st King 16:34 Five Centuries later 930 B.C. Hiel from Bethel rebuilt Jericho, Hiel’s oldest son (Abiram) died when he built the foundation of the city. Hiel’s youngest son (Segub) died when Hiel completed the gates of the city.
Prior to the nineteenth century the only mention of the Hittites was in the Bible. Liberal Critics ridiculed and sneered at the historical part of the bible. Then in 1906 German archaeologist Hugo Winker discovered in Asic Minor the city of Boghaz-keul, Hittite capital They removed over 10,000 tablets which confirmed Joshua’ description of the entire land of the Hittites in Josh 1:4
I don’t believe anything is stronger showing the power of God and the correct religion then the Jewish people. In Joshua chapter three verse ten it tells the Jewish people to drive out before them the Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebosites, Canaanites, Hittites, and Girgashites. This was done by God’s word so the Jewish people could have the land. (1) Amorites: controlled Mesopotamian from 1900-1600 BC, unknown descendant of the fourth son Canaan. (2) Perizzites: graziers, farmers, peasants of the time inhabiting the region south and south west of Camnel and was reduced to servitude by Solomon. 1 King 9:20 (3) Hivites: Unknown time ceased to be a separate group before the Israelite’s Kingdom came to an end. No name resembling Hivites has been found in Egyptian or Babylanian inscription. (4) Jebosites: Inhabitants of Jebus, known today as Jerusalem: (5) Canaanites: 2000 to 1468 B. C (6) Hittites: 1600-1200 B.C. and the last one is (7) Girgashites: There is little known about the Girgashites. They are supposed to have dwelt near the Sea of Chinneroth (Galilee). These seven national groups cannot be found today.
The bible tells you that the Jewish people were chosen to be God’s people. The bible tells you the history of the Jewish people from the time in Genesis 12 that Moses led them out of Egyptian’s Captivity and Joshua bought them into Canaan. Their history continues in the Roman Period (AD 70-325) Byzantine Period (325-614) Persian Period (614-634) Arab Period (634-1072) Seljuk Period (1072-1099) Crusaders Period ( 1099-1291) Mameluke Period (1291-1517) Turkish Period (1517-1917) all these time period the Jewish people had been living as the bible stated, scatted in other land.
In the Old Testament of the bible you will find in Deuteronomy 4:27 “the Lord shall scatter you among the nations” and in Leviticus 26:33 “and I will scatter you among the heathen” As the bible stated the Jewish people were scatted all over the World.
Deuteronomy 30:3 was written in 1406 B.C. and in it and other verses it states that the Jewish people would be gathered together again. Deuteronomy 30:3 “gather thee from the entire nation whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee. Jeremiah 30:3 “I will cause them to return to the land that I gave their fathers, and shall possess it” Jeremiah 31:10 “He that scattered Israel will gather him and keep him, as shepherd doth his flock” Over three thousand and some years it happen as the bible describe it would. The country of Israel was born, 14 May 1948 and thousands of Jewish people flocked to the promise land.
BIER -- Used for carrying a body to its burial place, a portable frame II Sam 3:31
BILDAD -- Who comforted the sorrowing Job one of the three friends Job 2:11 This friend's speeches expressed the conviction that all suffering is the direct result of sin Job 8:1-22 ; 18:1-21 ; 25:1-6
BILHAH -- Jacob's wife and Rachel's maid. She gave birth to two of Jacob's twelve sons, Dan and Naphtali Gen 30:1-8
BIRTHRIGHT -- The rights of the firstborn son over the other children. The firstborn received a double portion of his father's assets Deut 21:17 The oldest son also received the father's blessing and responsibility for family leadership. These could be given to other family members because of immoral acts or irresponsible behavior by the oldest son Gen 25:29-34
BISHOP -- Pastor, overseer, or elder who served as a leader of a local church in New Testament times Titus 1:5-8
BITHYNIA -- Paul was prevented from entering through the intervention of the Holy Spirit this Roman province of Asia Minor. Acts 16:7 Later the gospel did enter this province I Pet 1:1
BITTER HERBS The Hebrew people during their celebration of the Pass over would eat these Herbs to help them remember their bitter affliction during their enslavement in Egypt Exod 12:8
BITTER WATER -- Woman were subjected to a test or trial when her husband suspected her of being unfaithful Num 5:11-31
BITTERN (SCREECH OWL) -- Noted for its melancholy cries this bird is symbolic of the loneliness and despair which follows God's judgment Zeph 2:14
BLAINS (BOILS) -- On the skin infectious boils; Egyptians had this plague brought upon them for refusal to release the Hebrew slaves Exod 9:8-11
BLASPHEMY -- The act of cursing, reviling or showing contempt, toward God. A capital offense for the Jewish people punishable by death. The Jewish leaders considered Jesus only a man while He claimed to be God's son and accused Him of blasphemy. Matt 9:3
BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT -- When some one compares attributing Christ's miracles to the work of Satan Matt 12:31-32 Such contempt for the work of God was an unforgivable sin was declared by Jesus Mark 3:28-30 A form of blasphemy against God Paul regarded a person's bitter opposition to the gospel as such. Rom 2:24
BLESSING -- As Jacob did with his twelve sons, the act of declaring or invoking God's favor and goodness upon others. Gen 49:1-28 His people are blessed by God giving them life. Gen 1:22 and forgiving them their sins. Deut 27:18
BLIND -- Either a physical Matt 9:27 or spiritual Eph 4:18 unable to see. The Hebrews show compassion toward the blind Deut 27:18
BLOOD -- Life-sustaining fluid for the body to live. A sacrificial animal's blood represented the essence of life and symbolized repentance and atonement for someones' sins Lev 17:11 The phrase "the blood of Christ" in the New Testament refers to the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross Heb 9:12-14 The agent of redemption for the believers is Jesus' sacrificial blood. Heb 9:12 Christ shed blood is in the Lord's supper 1 Cor 10:16 Only Christ's precious blood has the power to redeem, nothing perishable or material can save. I Pet 1:18-19
BOANERGES -- Because of their fiery zeal Jesus gave this name, meaning "sons of thunder" to James and John, the sons of Zebedee Mark 3:17
BOAR-- Noted for its vicious nature Ps 80:13 a male hog.
BOASTING -- To brad or Speaking of one's own accomplishments with haughtiness and pride. II Chron 25:19
BOAZ/BOOZ -- He was a wealthy man from Bethlehem, married Ruth the Moabitess,and became the ancestor of David and Christ, Ruth 2 , 3 , 4 ; Luke 3:32 ; Matthew 1:5
BODY OF CHRIST -- For the Church an symbolic expression. The church is identified as Christ's body by Paul Col 1:24 Christ presides over the church in His body Eph 1:19-23 To bring believers to maturity Christ assigns spiritual gifts to His body Eph 4:7-13 As members of the body we are to care for one another I Cor 12:25-27
BODY, SPIRITUAL -- The redeemed or glorified body of the believers. Based on Christ's victory over the grave is our hope of a glorified body Rom 6:6 Free of sin and death at the return of Christ will believers receive a glorified body. I Cor 15:50-57 Christ's glorified body with be the redeemed body of a believer Phil 3:21 immortal and incorruptible I Cor 15:53-54 Christians are provided a new spiritual body "eternal in the heavens" so we do not need to fear death. II Cor 5:1-6
BOLDNESS -- Confidence and courage. Boldness is aided by earnest prayer which honors God Eph 6:18-19
BONDAGE -- An oppressor holding someone against their will. For more than 400 years the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians. You can be in spiritual bondage from sin Rom 8:15
BONDSERVANT -- A slave: a person who is forced to serve another against his or her will and without any wages I Kings 9:21
BONE -- The humans' skeletal frame work, Uttered by Adam "bone of my bones" showed that he was united to woman in the closest possible relationship Gen 2:23
BOOK -- A piece of papyrus or animal skin written on and then bound together Job 19:23
BOOK OF JASHER -- Apparently a lost book that described great events in the live of Israel Josh 10:13
BOOK OF LIFE -- Names of the saved in God's record. Mal 3:16-18 This record will be used as the basis for God's final judgment Rev 20:12-15 Being in this book by God's grace provides reason for Joy Luke 10:20 and hope of heaven Rev 21:27
BOOK OF THE LAW -- A term for the Pentateuch or the Law of Moses or the first five books of the Old Testament. Moses delivered the law to the priest for public reading after he received and record it. Deut 31:9-11
BOOK OF THE WARS OF THE LORD -- A lost book that may of recorded the celebrated Israel's victories in battle under Moses Num 21:14
BOOTH -- Temportary shelter usally made from tree branches. During the Feast of Tabernacles, also called the Feast of booths, the Israelites would live in the shelters to remind them of the life in the wilderness after their deliverance. Neh 8:13-18
BOOTY -- Taken in war anything of value, including livestock, slaves, gold and silver, clothing, and tools Zeph1:13
BOSOM -- A word used for the breast or human chest. It was used symbolically to imply closeness or intimacy Isa 40:11
BOTTLE (WINESKIN) -- Made of animal skins a vessel Josh 9:4 During the fermentation process the wineskin would break because of the old wineskins becoming brittle . "No man putteth........" Luke 5:37
BOW -- A weapon used for hunting and in war. Gen 48:22 The tribe of Benjamin's soldiers were especially skilled with the bow I Chron 12:2
BOWELS (INWARD PARTS) -- The human body internal digestive system. In the Old Testament the bowels were considered the center of a person' emotions, and feelings, expressive of tenderness and of compassion Job 30:27-28
BOWING -- An act of submission or of reverence, performed by kneeling on one knee and bending the head forward. Appropriate for prayer and worship Ps 95:6 Jesus bowed or knelt to pray in Gethsemane Matt 26:36-39
BOWL -- Made from wood, clay or silver a vessel for holding food or liquids. Priests used large bowls in sacrificial rituals Zech 9:15
BOX TREE (CYPRESS PINE) -- Ideal for carving an evergreen which produces a wood. Used in the temple in Jerusalem were Boxwood Isa 60:13
BOZRAH -- City of Edom ancient capital. In Figurative terms to describe the Messiah's victory over the pagan nations Isaiah spoke of this city. Isa 63:1
BRACELET -- Worn on the wrist a piece of jewelry Isa 3:19 Probably a military armband the bracelet of King Saul II Sam 1:10
BRAMBLE (THORNBUSH) -- A group or bush of thistles. In the parable of Jotham the bramble bush representing Abimelech, ruled over the trees of the forest, in spite of its lowly position. Judg 9:7-15
BRASEN SEA (BRONZE SEA) -- In the temple court a large brass basin which held water for purification rituals II Kings 25:13
BRASS -- An alloy of copper mixed with some other metal, perhaps tin or zinc. Num 21:9 Stubbornness, rebellion, insensibility toward God, Brass is used as a symbol of these. Isa 48:4
BRASS SERPENT (BRONZE SNAKE) -- Raised up by Moses in the wilderness on a pole as an instrument of healing for those who had been bitten by poisonous snakes, a serpent cast from metal . Num 21:9 Jesus referred to this incident to Illustrate the healing from sin made possible by His crucifixion John 3:14
BREAD -- Food in general terms. Made from meal or flour and baked in loaves. The Bread of Life is how Jesus described Himself. John 6:35
BREAST -- The chest of the human body. To signify extreme sorrow one would strike or beat their breast. Luke 23:48
BREAST PLATE: Jewish high priest worn this vestment containing twelve precious stones and engraved with the names of the tribes of Israel (Exod. 28:15-30 "Breastplate of righteousness" for Christians was spoken figuratively by Paul (eph 6:14)
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A. THE "COAT" (Ex. 28:39) - A long garment worn next to the person, made of fine linen. | |
B. THE LINEN BREECHES (Ex. 28:42) - "From the loins to the thighs". | ||
C. THE "ROBE OF THE EPHOD" (Ex. 28:31 -35) - A long seamless garment made of blue linen.[1]. Blue - The divinity of Christ. [2]. Linen - Spotless righteousness of Christ. [3]. Pomegranates - symbol of fruitfulness. [4]. Pomegranates of blue, purple, scarlet, alternating with golden bells along the hem. [5]. Bells - symbol of testimony. | ||
D. THE EPHOD (Ex. 28:5-12) - The most important part of his dress, distinctively the symbol of the high priest's once. [1]. Fine Twined Linen (Christ's purity) with gold (deity): blue (heavenly, divine): purple (royalty); scarlet (sacriflcial work). [2]. Means: Son of God/Son of Man, our risen and glorified High Priest. [3]. Consisted of two pieces (front and back) united at the shoulders with onyx stones in gold, twelve tribes engraved on the stones. (a). Shoulders are a place of strength, of power. (b). Stones represent the burden carried on shoulders of the High Priest. (c). Christ so bears us up to God (Lk.15:5). | ||
E. THE GIRDLE (Ex. 28:8) - Speaks of service (Mk. 10:45; Heb. 8: 1,2). | ||
F. THE BREASTPLATE (Ex. 28: 15-29) - And inseparably connected with His power and His love. | ||
G. THE MITRE (Ex. 28:36,37) - Or "turban" of fine linen to cover the head bearing upon the front a gold plate engraved "HOLINESS TO THE LORD". |
BREATH -- To sustain life the air which a person inhales. God's gift to His creatures is recognized by Job. Job 12:10
BREATH OF GOD -- Used to portray God as the source of life a symbolic phrase. Job 33:4 His breath demonstrates His creative ability and power II Sam 22:14-16 In the New Testament His disciples received the Holy Spirit by His "breath" John 20:22
BREECHES (UNDERGARMENTS) -- Worn by priests a undergarment or trousers Exod 28:42
BRIBERY -- Influence others as the act of giving gifts or favors inappropriately, in the bible condemned often. Amos 5:12
BRICK -- A mixer of clay and straw and formed into a building block and backed in the sun or kiln for curing it. Brick making was the job of the Israelites during their enslavement in Egypt Exod 1:14
BRICK-KILN -- Used for curing bricks, a furnace or oven II Sam 12:31
BRIDE -- A woman newly married. The church in the New Testament is spoken of figuratively as the bride of Christ Eph 5:25-35
BRIDEGROOM -- A man newly married. Christ in the New Testament is spoken of figuratively as the Bridegroom John 3:29 and or the Church as His Bride Eph 5:25-33
BRIER -- A plant or shrub with thistles and thorns. It is used figuratively often to describe man's sinful nature Mic 7:4
BRIGANDINE (COAT OF MAIL) -- Body armor that was flexible probably worn by Commanders and Kings I Sam 17:38 ; Jer 46:4
BRIMSTONE (BURNING SULFUR) -- It burns easily and emits a strong odor a bright yellow mineral, Burning brimstone was used to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah Gen 19:24-25
BROTHER -- A male sibling also the word was used figuratively for all Christian believers Matt 23:8 A Christian should not offend a weak brother Rom 14:10-13
BUCKLER (SHIELD) -- Worn on the arm by warriors a small piece of protective armor. Song of Sol 4:4
BUKKI -- Appointed by Moses a leader of the tribe of Dan to help divide the land of Canaan after its occupation by the Israelites Num 34:22
BUL -- Roughly equivalent to parts of our October and November the eighth month of the Hebrew year. I Kings 6:38
BULL -- Male of the ox or cattle species, a general term Job 21:10
BULLOCK -- Used in animal sacrifices, a young bull Num 15:24
BULRUSH (PAPYRUS) -- Grew in marshy areas of the Nile River a reedlike plant and was used for making papyrus, an ancient writing material. The basket that the Infant Moses was placed in was made out of this. Exod 2:3
BULWARK (RAMPARTS) -- In a city's defensive wall a tower which was used for a better position for firing on the enemy below them. Ps 48:13
BURIAL -- By the placement in the ground or a tomb the ceremonial disposal of a body. Because of the warm climate and the body being considered ceremonially unclean in Bible time the burial usually took place as soon as possible. Deut 21:23 When they were preparing Jesus' body they used spices aromatic oils and then wrapped Him in a linen cloth. John 19:39-40
BURNING AGRE (FEVER) -- Possibly a symptom of a more serious illness but a severe fever Lev 26:16
BURNING BUSH -- Moses was spoken to by God from the flaming shrub. Exod 3:9-10
BURNT OFFERING -- Consisting of an unblemished animal a meat sacrifice which was totally consumed by fire, except for the hide. Lev 7:8 To restore the broken relationship between man and God a burnt sacrifices were made to atone for sin. Num 6:10-11
BUSHEL -- About one peck of a dry measure Matt 5:15
BUSYBODY (MEDDLER, MISCHIEF MAKER) -- A troublemaker or and a gossiper It is inappropriate for believers to act this way. I Pet 4:15
BYWORD -- Usually delivered in a taunting fashion a degrading saying or remark. I Kings 9:7