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TAANACH/TANACH -- West of the Jordan River a Canaanite city conquered by Joshua and assigned to the Levites Josh 12:21 Tanach: Josh 21:25

TABERAH -- Many Israelites were killed by fire because of their complaining at this camping site in the wilderness. Num 11:1-3

TABERNAXLE/TENT OF MEETING -- At God's command a portable sanctuary or tent built in the wilderness for the Israelites Exod 40:2-8 Because it was considered a place of encounter between God and His people it was also called "Tent of Meeting" It was before the time of "the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us" Jesus the Son of God born a human. John 1:14

TABERNACLES, FEAST OF/FEAST OF BOOTHS -- A festival that is also called the Feast of Ingathering and the Feast of Booths Exod 23:16 ; Num 29:12 It is observed, to commemorate Israel's wilderness wandering experience, annually during the harvest seasons. To remembrance of their days as tent dwellers while waiting to enter Canaan the people live in tents or booths Lev 23:39-43

TABITHA/DORCAS -- Peter restored this Christian widow at Joppa to life Acts 9:36-40 Dorcas was her Greek name .

TABLET -- The finger of God engraved the Ten Commandments on this flat piece of stone. Exod 24:12

TABOR, MOUNT -- About six miles from Nazareth in Galilee this mountain was on the border of the territories of Zebulun and Issachar. Judg 4:6-14

TABRET (TAMBOURINE) -- Probably similar to the tambourine a musical instrument Gen 31:27

TADMOR (TAMAR) -- Rebuilt by King Solomon about 1000 B.C. between the city of Damascus in Syria and the Euphrates River a trading center. I Kings 9:17-18

TAHPANHES/TAHAPANES/TEHAPHNEHES -- Citizens of Judah fled after the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians from this Egyptian city on the Nile River . Jer 43:7-10 Tehaphnehes: Ezek 30:18 Tahapanes: Jer 2:16

TAHPENES -- In King Solomon's time the Queen of Egyptian pharaoh. I Kings 11:18-22

TALEBEARER (GOSSIP) -- A person who uses words to gossips about or slanders another with destructive words Prov 18:8

TALENT -- Used by the Romans, Greeks and Hebrews a common unit of weight of measure of monetary value. Matt 25:14-30

TALMUD -- Various Jewish traditions and oral explanations of the "Old Testament" collection which were committed to writing in the 2nd century A.D. with a later commentary thereon.

TAMAR (1.) Sons of Judah, Er and Onan's widow who eventually bore Judah's twin sons Zerah and Perea Gen 38:6-31 Thamar: Jesus's ancestry Matt 1:3
(2.) Sexually assaulted by her half brother Amnon Absalom's sister Absalom by killing Amnon avenged the crime II Sam 13:1-32
(3.) NRSV word for Tadmor I Kings 9:17-18

TAMARISK -- A shrub or small tree which King Saul and his sons were all buried under, I Sam 22:6

TANNER -- A person who worked at curing animal skins. Not a reputable vocation for a Jew because touching the unclean animals would make him unclean. At Joppa Peter lodged with a tanner. Acts 10:5-6

TAPESTRY -- Embroidered with artwork an expensive curtain or cloth generally owned by the wealthy Prov 7:16 ; 31:22

TARE -- Now known as the Darnel plant a weed which resembles wheat. Tares represent wicked seed sown by Satan that will ultimately be separated and destroyed in Jesus' parable. Matt 13:25-40

TARPELITES -- About 722 B.C. After the citizens of the Northern Kingdom were carried to Assyria as captives this tribe colonized Samaria Ezra 4:9

TARSHISH/THARSHISH -- Probably in Spain a coastal city which was the destination of the ship that the Prophet Jonah had boarded. Jon 1:3 Tharshish I Kings 10:22

TARSUS -- Paul was born in this capital city of the Roman province of Silicia Acts 9:11

TARTAK -- Worshiped by the Avites, a false god, the Avites colonized Samaria after the Northern Kingdom fell to the Assyrians II Kings 17:31

TARTAN (SUPREME COMMANDER) -- Commander of the Assyrian army who demanded the surrender of Jerusalem from King Hezekiah title. II Kings 18:17

TASKMASTERS (SLAVE-MASTERS -- At the command of the Pharaoh supervisors or Egyptian overseers who forced the Hebrew slaves to do hard labor. Exod 1:11-14

TATNAI (TATTENAI -- In attempt to stop the Jews from rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem this Persian official appealed to King Darius of Persia. Ezra 5:3-9

TAU -- The last and twenty-second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, used as a heading over Ps 119:169-176

TAVERNS, THE THREE -- About thirty miles south of Rome a station on the Roman road known as the Appian Way where believers met the Apostle Paul Acts 28:15

TAXES -- Paid by citizens to a government, it can be money, goods, or labor. Known as tithes or first-fruits to support priests and Levities the Hebrews originally paid these taxes. Taxes grew heavier under each king and particularly Solomon, and rebellion grew and so his son the successor Rehoboam split the kingdom I Kings 12:4 , 8 Romans had independent contractors, resulting in great extortion Luke 19:2 , 8

TEACHER -- A person who communicates religious truth or knowledge to others. Teachers along with pastors whose skill and ministry are a very needed item in the church Eph 4:11-12

TEARS -- Visible signs of sorrow. Over the unbelief of Jerusalem Jesus shed tears. Luke 13:34 and wept of his friend Lazarus's grave. John 11:35

TEIL (TEREBINTH) -- Resembling the elm or oak a common tree in Palestine Isa 6:13

TEKOA/TEKOAH -- Home of Amos the prophet a fortress city of Judah near Bethlehem Amos 1:1 Tekoah II Sam 14:4

TEL, TELL -- An Arabic word for a hill "mound" marking the site of an ancient city which has been built up over centuries of occupation.

TEL-ABIB -- On the Chebar River a Babylonian city where Ezediel and other Jewish captives lived. Ezek 3:15

TEMPERANCE (SELF-CONTROL) -- Self-discipline, moderation, or restraint, behavior that should characterize believers II Pet 1:6

TEMPEST (STORM) -- A furious storm. On the Sea of Galilee Jesus calmed a tempest Matt 8:24-26

TEMPLE -- A building used for central place of worship for the Jewish people. In Jerusalem three separate temples were built on the same site. (1) Built about 961 - 954 BC was Solomon's temple. A partition or wall divided the holy place from the holy of holies I Kings 6:2 ; 20 ; 31 The table of shew-bread, Ten golden candle-sticks and the ark of the covenant were housed in this temple. (2) Jews who returned to Jerusalem after a period of exile among the Babylonians and Persians completed Zerubbabel's temple in 515 BC. (3) Herod the Great began reconstruction of Zerubbabel's temple about 10 BC. The third temple was larger and more ornate than the first one with outer courts added. Jesus was taken to this temple for dedication and also the temple where Jesus taught and drove out the moneychangers Mark 11:15 John 2:14-15 Romans destroyed the temple in AD 70 Today a Moslem's mosque stands on the site.

TEMPTATION -- Enticement to sin or testing Matt 4:1-10 resist Satan the tempter Matt 4:10 ; Heb 2:18 Escape for every temptation I Cor 10:13

TEN COMMANDMENTS -- On Mt. Sinai the ethical commands given by God to Moses. Also called the Decalogue. The basic moral laws of the Old Testament summarize the Ten Commandments. Four enjoin duties to God Exod 20:1-11 while six are obligations to other people Exod 20:12-17 Supreme love for God and loving our neighbors as ourselves is how Jesus summed up the commandments in two great principles. Matt 22:37-40

TENT -- The dwelling place or house of nomadic people Gen 12:8 The tents were made of goat hair and supported by ropes and poles tied to stakes.

TENTH DEAL -- Hebrew dry measure equaling one-tenth of an ephah (Ephah an dry measure, ancient Hebrew, equivalent to a bushel (35L)

TENTMAKER --A lucrative trade in Bible times a skilled workman who made tents. Paul himself was a tent maker. Acts 18:3

TERAH/THARA -- Abraham's father and a native of Ur in Chaldea or ancient Babylonia. Through his sons Haran, Nahor, and Abraham, he was an ancestor of the Israelites, Ammonites, Moabites, Midianites, and the Ishamanelites Gen 11:26-31 Thara: Jesus' ancestry Luke 3:34

TERAPHIM -- Representing human figures they were small images which were venerated in hour holds as guardians of good fortune Judg 17:5 When Jacob left for Canaan Rachel stole her father's teraphim Gen 31:19, 35

TERTIUS -- Took dictation for the epistle to the Romans, Paul's scribe Rom 16:22

TERTULLUS -- In a hearing before Felix at Caesarea the lawyer who accused Paul of desecrating the temple. Acts 24:1-8

TESTAMENT -- A agreement or covenant with legal standing. Covenants was the Old and New Testaments that was ratified first by the blood of sacrificial animals Exod 24:8 and then by the blood of Christ on the cross. Matt 26:28

TESTIMONY -- Based on personal experience a declaration of truth. Acts 4:20 Their performance of miracles confirmed the testimony of Paul and Barnalas at Iconium Acts 14:3

TETH -- Used as a heading over Ps 119:65-72 the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

TETRARCH -- The ruler or governor of a Roman province Luke 3:1

THADDAEUS -- Thaddaeus, Jude, Judas, and Lebbaeus, were all names of one and the same disciple See Judas, Brother of James.

THANK OFFERING -- As an expression of thanks for an unexpected special blessing a sacrificial animal presented to God II Chron 29:31

THANKSGIVING -- The act of expressing one's gratitude. The Lord was praised for His goodness and blessing Ps 116:12-19 Our thanksgiving to God should be inspired by our Christian inheritance of salvation and eternal life. Col 1:12

THE GREAT SYNAGOG: Said to have been organized by Nehemiah, this is the name of the council consisting of 120 members about 410 B.C. under the presidency of Ezra. The purpose of the council was of re-constructing the religious life of the returned captives. Governing the returned Jews till about 275 B. C.as a continuing body. It is said to have an important part in grouping, gathering and then restoring the Canonical books of the Old Testament.

THEATER -- Similar to a stadium where dramatic performances and sporting events were held an outdoor meeting place An impressive Roman structure made of stone and marble which seated thousands were the theater at Ephesus. Acts 19:29-31

THE SANHEDRIN -- In the days of Christ the recognized headship of the Jewish people. It is believed to have originated in the 3rd century B.C. Presided over by the High Priest and composed of 70 members, mostly priest and Sadducee nobles, some Pharisees, scribes, and elders

THEBEZ -- Near Shechem a fortified city where Abimelech died when a stone was dropped on his head from a defense tower Judg 9:50-55

THEOCRACY -- God is the ruler in this government. An imperfect example of this form of rule was Israel beginning with their deliverance from Egypt Exod 15:13 and the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai Exod 19:5-8 Then it changed when Samuel agreed to the people's demand for a human king I Sam 8:5

THEOPHANY -- Visible appearance of God. Theophanies before the incarnation of Jesus were visible manifestations of the per-incarnate Son of God Some Scholars believe John 1:1, 18 Examples of God being visible: the pillar of cloud and fire Exod 13:21-22 The cloud and fires at Mt Sinai Exod 24:16-18 and the burning bush Exod 3:1-6

THEOPHILUS -- Possibly a roman Official that was an early convert, friend who Luke wrote his gospel and the book of Acts to. Luke 1:3 ; Acts 1:1

THESSALONIANS, EPISTLES TO THE -- Written by the apostle Paul to the believers in the church at Thessalonica these two New Testament books. The theme of both letters is almost the same that is the second coming of Christ. Paul also included instructions on sexual morality I Thess 4:1-8 and the need for diligent labor rather than idle speculation I Thess 4:9-12 ; II Thess 3:6-15 Assurance in Christ's return should motivate them to righteous living Paul declared to all believers I Thess 3:13 ; 5:23 He instructed them to be watchful and alert because of the uncertainty about the exact time of Jesus' return. I Thess 5:1-11

THESSALONICA -- Paul preached and founded a church in this city on the Macedonian coast. Jews who opposed the preaching of Paul and Silas also caused the scene of a riot here Acts 17:1-9

THEUDAS -- Mentioned by Gamaliel before the Sanhedrin the leader of an unsuccessful revolt. To discourage premature action that might result in bloodshed Gamaliel probably named this person. Acts 5:35-36

THIEF -- Robber or someone who stoled from you. Under Mosaic Law double restitution for theft was required. Those who did not follow the law or conform to this requirement could be sold as slaves. Exod 22:3-7

THIGH -- Between the hip and the knee that part of the leg. Placing the hand under the thigh signified subjection or obedience. That a Canaanite wife would not be chosen for Abraham's son Isaasc, Abraham's servant swore by this method. Gen 24:2-9

THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER -- To betray Christ the blood money given to Judas. This was the usual price for a slave. Judas hanged himself after being remorseful and threw his silver on the temple floor. Matt 27:3-8

THISTLE -- Used for hedges and burned for fuel a briar or thorn. Isa 33:12 ; Hos 2:6 Figuratively the word was used of desolation and neglect. Prov24:30-31

THOMAS -- Thomas was also known by Didymus John 11:16; or "twin" Luke 6:15 Thomas had become known as the Doubter because he was very skeptical and cautious. Despaired at Christ's decision to raise Lazerus John 11:16 ; Asked Christ where he was going in the upper room John 14:5 On the evening of His Resurrection when Jesus made his appearance to the disciples Thomas was not present. When the others told Thomas he found it hard to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus appeared again eight days later and Thomas was able to examine His hands and feet, he was convinced and exclaiming "My Lord and My God" John 20:28 Later traveling north he was one of the seven that meet Jesus on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Was present during Christ's final miracle. John 21:2 It is believed that Thomas preached in Persia, Parthia, and in India. Thomas is mentioned in the apocryphal Acts of St. Thomas. One account says he was martyred at Meliapour in South India when he was run through with a spear of lance at Coromanded and is believed to be buried at Ortona. According to tradition Thomas trade was of a builder and help build a palace in India. His emblem is the builder's square and the spear, the instrument of his death. Matthew 10:3 ; Mark 3:18 ; Luke 6:15 ; John 11 , 14 , 20 , 21 ; Acts 1:13

THONG -- A strip of leather. At Jerusalem Paul was bound with thongs. Acts 22:25-29

THORN -- Heavy briars, thistles, or needle like, on a plant. In mockery a crown of thorns was placed on Jesus' head. Matt 27:29

THORN IN THE FLESH -- Paul prayed to be delivered from this unknown affliction. II Cor 12:7-8 Some scholars believe that it was an an eye aliment that Paul had, because he normally dictated his epistles and many times apologized for his own large hand writing. Gal 6:11

THRESHINGFLOOR -- A place where grain was separated from the stalk and husk after harvesting or was threshed II Sam 6:6

THROAT -- Compared to an open sepulcher the throat could utter deadly falsehoods through the mouth. Ps 5:9 ; Rom 3:13

THRONE -- Occupied by kings an ornate chair I Kings 2:19 and priests and judges sometimes I Sam 1:9 ; Jer 1:15 as a symbol of their authority and power. Used to designate the Lord's supreme authority Isa 6:1

THUMB -- Part of your hand, and the thumb was involved in the ceremony consecrating Aaron and his sons to the priesthood. Ram's blood was smeared on their thumbs as well as their ears and feet Exod 29:19-20

THUNDER -- In Palestine thunder was very rare, so it was considered a form of speaking by the Lord Job 40:9 and as a sign of His displeasure it was often regarded as. Exod 9:23 ; I Sam 12:7

THYATIRA -- Home of Lydia a convert under Paul's ministry a city in the Roman province of Asia. Acts 16:14 Thyatira was noted for its dye industry and also the site of one of the seven churches of Asia Minor addressed by the apostle John. Condemned for its tolerance toward the false prophetess Jezebel and her heretical teachings, but was commended for its faith and good works. Rev 2:18-24

THYINE WOOD (CITRON WOOD, SCENTED WOOD) -- Used for fine cabinet work a valuable wood resembling cedar. Rev 18:12 Because or its fragrance it was also burned as incense.

TIBERIAS -- Built by Herod Antipas and named for the Roman emperor Tiberius a city on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee John 6:1, 23 Because the city was built on a cemetery site it was shunned by many Jews. After the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 Tiberias became a center of learning.

TIBNI -- Reigned about 885-880 a king of Israel who ruled at the same time as Omri. Upon Tibni's death, Omri became the sole claimant to the throne. I Kings 16:21-22

TIGLATH-PILESER III/TILGATH-PILNESER III/PUL -- Reigned about 745-727 B.C. A powerful Assyrian King. He defeated the Northern Kingdom and carried Jewish captives to Assyria II Kings 15:29 ; 16:1-10 Tilgath-pilneser II Chron 28:20 Pul I Chron 5:26

TIGRIS -- Possibly the same as the Hiddekel of the Garden of eden a major river of southwest Asia . Gen 2:14 The tigris flows southeastward beginning in the Armenian mountains for more than 1,100 miles until it joins the Euphrates River. "The land between the rivers' or Mesopotamis lies between these two streams

TILE (CLAY TABLET, BRICK) -- Used as roofing on houses a slab of baked clay Ezek 4:1 To give a paralyzed man access to Jesus for healing the tiles were removed from a roof Luke 5:18-19

TIMBRE L (TAMBOURINE) -- It is belived to resemble the tambourine a small hand drum or percussion instrument Exod 15:20

TIMNATH-SERAH/TIMNATH-HERES -- Given to Joshua as an inheritance and the place where he was buried a town in the territory of Ephraim Josh 24:29-30 Timnath-heres Judg 2:9

TIMON -- In the church at Jerusalem one of the seven men chosen as deacons Acts 6:1-5

TIMOTHY/TIMOTHEUS -- Timothy who had been brought up in the faith by his mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois, was a young man from Lystra. His mother and grandmother had been converted by Paul. Timothy and Luke became Paul's most constant companion. He traveled with Paul on his second and third missionary journey and stayed with him during his imprisonment in Rome. Two of Paul's epistle were addressed to Timothy. Timothy took charge of the church of Ephesus after Paul's death and was martyred during the reign of Nerva. as tradition has it. Acts 16:1 ; 17:14-15 ; 18:5 ; 19:22 ; 20:4

TIMOTHY, EPISTLES TO -- Apostle Paul two short epistles that was written to his young friend and fellow missionary. Paul first epistles to Timothy was instructing Timothy to teach sound doctrine I Tim 1:1-20 to organize the church appropriately I Tim 2:1-3:16 beware of false teachers I Tim 4:1-16 administer church discipline I Tim 5:1-25 and exercise his pastoral gifts with restraint and love I Tim 6:1-21 Paul's Second Timothy is perhaps his most personal epistle, in expressing tender affection for the young minister II Tim 1:1 --2:20 He spoke of the approaching days of persecution for the church II Tim 3:1--4:5 as well as the possibility of his own execution II Tim 4:6--22

TIN -- A malleable and well-known metal Num 31:22 Ship from Tarshish brought it and it was used in making bronze Ezek 27:12

TIPHSAH -- Identified today as Thapsacus on the Eupharates River it was a place which designated the eastern boundary of Solomon's kingdom I Kings 4:24

TIRE -- Worn in the hair by a high priest, bridegroom, or women as a headdress, such as a turban, or an ornament. II Kings 9:30 ; Isa 3:18

TIRSHATHA (GOVERNOR) --Under Persian rule the title of the governor of Judea Persian Kings appointed Nehemiah and Zerubbabel to this position Ezra 2:63

TIRZAH -- Joshua captured this Canaanite town Josh 12:24 Until Samaria was built in later years it served as a capital of the Northern Kingdom I Kings 14:17

TISHBITE -- A city of Gilead, an inhabitant of Tishbeh. The prophet Elijah was referred to as an Tishbie I Kings 17:1

TITHE -- Presented as an offering to God one-tenth of a person's income. Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek Gen 14:18-20 and Jacob vowed to give tithes in accordance with God's blessing Gen 28:20-22 The Pharisees were scrupulous tithers in the New Testament times. Matt 23:23 Jesus promised to bless sacrificial giving Luke 6:38 The principle of proportionate giving was endorsed by Paul I Cor 16:2

TITTLE -- That which distinguished similar letters of the alphabet a dot of other small mark. To emphasize the enduring quality of the law's most minute requirement Jesus used these words. Matt 5:18

TITUS -- As a Greek convert of Paul's, he accompanied with him from Antioch to Jerusalem and far and wide thereafter. During Paul's second imprisonment He was with Paul. Paul sent him to Corinth as his delegate three different times. He may have been the bearer of the two epistles to the Corinthians and on one occasion her was instructed to gather the offering for the poor Judea's Christians. He also made trips to Dalmatia and once was left in Crete to settle ecclesiastics matters. He became the Bishop of Crete and died there at a great age according to tradition. An epistle of Paul's was addressed to him. Other references are II Corinthians 2:7 ; 8:12 and Galatians 2:1-3

TITUS, EPISTLE TO -- Apostle Paul wrote a short epistle to his helper and companion Titus, who apparently was serving on the island of Crete as a leader of the church Titus 1:5 Qualifications of elders Titus 1:5-9 dealing with false teachers Titus 1:10-16 In an immoral world the behavior of Christians Titus 3:1-11


TOB/ISH-TOB -- Where the judge Jephthan took refuge in a place in Syria east of the Jordan River Judg 11:3, 5 Against David the soldiers of Tob sided with the Ammonites II Sam 10:6, 8 Ish-tob II Sam 10:8 TOBIAH -- He opposed Nehemiah's reconstruction of Jerusalem's wall an Ammonite servant of Sanballat who ridiculed the Jews Neh 2:10, 19 ; 4:3, 7

TOI/TOU -- King David was congratulated on his victory over King Hadadezer of Zobah in Syrai by King of Hamath's son who had been sent with presents to congratulate King David. II Sam 8:9-12 Tou I Chron 18:9

TOKEN (SIGN) -- A signal or sign. A token of God's covenant with Abraham was Circumcision Gen 17:11 Sign for the death angel to pass over these houses were blood on the Israelites' door-posts. Exod 12:13

TOLA -- He judged Israel for twenty-three years, who succeeded Abimelech yet there is little known about Tola. His home was in Shamir and he came from the tribe of Issachar. He is the first of the five minor judges. Genesis 46:13 ; Numbers 26:23 ; I Chronicles 7:1 Judg 10:1-2

TOLL (TAX) -- A fee or tax levied against the citizens of a conquered nation Ezra 4:13

TONGS -- Used for trimming burning lamps or handling hot coals, A hand tool. Exod 25:38 Num 4:9 A snuffer may be the same tool.

TONGUE -- The body organ associated with speech. It can be used as an instrument of blessings Acts 2:1-13 or punishment Gen 11:1-9 For evil or good, Jas 3:5-10

TONGUES, SPEAKING IN -- In the New Testament Church a spiritual gift exercised by some believers. Glossolalia or ecstatic utterances Apparently this gift first occurred on the day of Pentecost with the outpouring of God's spirit on believers Acts 2:1-13 Also in I Cor 14:2-28 Paul mentioned this gift, although it is unclear if this is the same as the phenomenon described in Acts

TOOTH -- Grinding or gnashing of one's teeth symbolized despair or frustration Matt 8:12

TOPAZ (CHRYSOLITE) -- Thought to resemble modern chrysolite a precious stone used in the high priest's breastplate Exod 28:17 Also used in the New Jerusalem's foundation Rev 21:20

TOPHET (TOPHETH) -- In the valley of Hinnom near Jerusalem a place of human sacrifice. Jer 7:31-32

TORAH -- The Old Testament first five books, and used for the Pentateuch or the law, A Hebrew word meaning "instruction" or "teaching"

TORCH -- Made of resinous twisted flax or word a burning brand used to light one's path at night John 18:3

TORTOISE (GREAT LIZARD) -- Regarded as an unclean reptile by the Jews Lev 11:29

TOW (TINDER) -- The refuse or waste produced from flax when spinning thread. The word was used figuratively of the weakness of sinful people when facing God's punishment Isa 1:31

TOWER (STRONGHOLD) -- Used as a watchtower a defensive turret in a tall structure or city wall. Also figuratively of God's protection II Sam 22:3

TOWNCLERK (CITY CLERK) -- In the city of Ephesus an official who restored order after a riot against Paul Acts 19:29-41

TRADITION -- An interpretation or unwritten code of the law which the Pharisees considered as binding as the written law itself Matt 15:2

TRANCE -- Often accompanied by visions a state of semiconsciousness. The ministry to Cornelius the Gentile, Peter's trance at Joppa prepared him for that.

TRANSFIGURATION OF JESUS -- God was glorified by the radical transformation in the Savior's appearance. Jesus went to a mountain at night to pray with His disciples Peter, James, and John. Emphasizing Jesus as the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. Moses and Elijah appeared and discussed Jesus' death. Shining bright from with-in from God's glory in Him. Christ was overshadowed by a cloud and a voice declaring "This is my beloved Son...hear ye him" Matt 17: 1-8 These experiences helped prepare Jesus and His disciples for the up coming events leading to His death and attested Christ's divinity and mission.

TRANSGRESSION -- A violation of God's law. Personal I Tim 2:14 Public Rom 5:14 Premeditated Josh 7:19-25 Transgression produces destruction Ps 37:38 and death I Chron 10:13 By confession it may be forgiven Ps 32:1, 5 by the atoning death of Christ Isa 53:5-6

TRANSJORDAN -- In the KJV it is referred to as the land beyond Jordan. Its east of the Jordan River a large table land or large mountainous plateau. Gen 50:10 ; Matt 4:15 From this location Moses viewed the Promised Land Deut 34:1-4 It was occupied by the tribes of Gad, Reuben and East Manasseh after the conquest of Canaan.

TRAVAIL -- Associated with childbirth the labor pains Gen 38:27 Also used figuratively of the birth of God's new creation Rom 8:22-23

TREASURE CITY (STORE CITY, SUPPLY CITY) -- The King stored his valuables in this fortified city. The Egyptian pharaoh had the Hebrew slaves built treasure cities at Pithom and Raamses. Exod 1:11

TREASURER (STEWARD) -- In the king's court an important financial officer who was charged with accounting of receipts and disbursements Isa 22:15-23

TREASURY -- Where offerings were received in the temple Mark 12:41-44 In the outer court thirteen trumpet-shaped receptacles for offerings were placed.

TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL -- Placed in the Garden of Eden a specific tree to test the obedience of Adam and Eve. The Lord specifically prohibited the eating of the fruit of this tree. Gen 2:9-17 Adam and Eve were banished from the garden and became subject to toil and death after they ate the forbidden fruit. Gen 3:3-24

TREE OF LIFE -- In the Garden of Eden a tree that grew fruit which would bring eternal life if eaten Gen 3:22 With leaves for the healing of the nations a tree of life with be in the heavenly Jerusalem. Rev 22:2

TRESPASS OFFERING -- After full restitution to persons wronged had been made this was a sacrificial animal offering presented for lesser sins or offenses Lev 5:6-7, 15-19

TRIALS OF JESUS -- A series of appearances or trials of Jesus before Jewish and Roman authorities which ended with His death. (1.) Appeared before Annas, the former high priest John 18:12-23 ; (2.) Caiphas, the current high priest and the full Jewish Sanhedrin Matt 26:57-68 (3.) Pilate, the Roman governor John 18:28-38 (4.) Herod Antipas, ruler of Galilee Luke 23:6-12 (5.) Pilate who sentenced Jesus to death Mark 15:6-15

TRIBES OF ISRAEL -- The tribes descended from the sons of Jacob--Asher, Benjamin, Dan , Gad, Issachar, Judah, Levi, Naptali, Reuben, Simeon, and Zebulon Gen 49:1-28 plus the two sons of Joseph --Ephraim and Manasseh Gen 48:5 All the tribes were assigned specific territories after the conquest of Canaan, except the Levi, the priestly tribe. they were assigned to fort eight different towns and scattered among all the other tribes to perform ceremonial duets.

TRIBULATION -- Trouble and affliction caused by persecution I Thess 3:4 and severe testing Rev 2:10. 22 The tribulation of believers may be overcome by a joyful spirit II Cor 7:4 and patience Rom 8:35-37

TRIBULATION, GREAT -- A time of affliction and great suffering in the end time sent upon the earth by the Lord to accomplish His purposes Dan 12:1 ; Rev 7:14

TRIBUTE -- A tax or toll placed on ever citizen by a government. Hebrew males over the age of twenty paid a half-shekel as an annual tribute to support the temple services. Exod 30:13 Matt 17:24-27

TRINITY, THE -- The word trinity is not in the bible how ever it is God as expressed through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The trinity was revealed in the Old Testament at the creation of the world Gen 1:1-3, 26 The trinity was revealed at Christ's baptism in the New Testament Matt 3:16-17 and in His teaching John 14:26 ; 15:26 Also in His Great Commission Matt 28:19 In the Holy Spirit, whom Christ sent to convict sin, inspires believers, and empowers them for service John 16:8 , 13 The Father gives the convers to Christ and they hear His voice and follows Him John 10:27, 29

TRIUMPHAL, ENTRY OF JESUS -- On the Sunday before His crucifixion the following Friday Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. Al of them wanted him to be the promised Messiah a military hero not a spiritual deliverer. Mat 21:2-11

TROAS -- On the coast of Mysia an important city where Paul received an vision. A man in Macedonia across from Troas pleaded "Come.....and help us" Acts 16:8-10

TROGYLLIUM -- Paul stopped after his third missionary journey in this city near Ephesus Acts 20:15

TROPHIMUS -- On the third missionary journey a Christian who accompanied Paul. Acts 20:4

TRUMPET -- Used in the temple ceremonies a wind musical instrument made of animal horn or metal. I Chron 16:6-9

TRUMPETS, FEAST OF -- Also called the Seventh Mont Festival a Jewish religious festival Lev 16:29 It was ushered in by the blowing of Trumpets and observed by presenting burnt offerings and reading the law. Lev 23:24-25 Neh 8:2-3 8-12

TRUST -- Placing one's confidence in a thing or person. "worthy of our trust" Ps 33:21 ; 119:42 "unworthy of trust " Matt 10:17-21 Trust and confidence in Him" John 6:35-37

TRUTH -- That which is consistent and reliable with God's revelation. God's law establishes Truth. Ps 119:142-144 and personified by Jesus Christ John 14:6 Obedience to the truth purifies believers I Peter 1:22 and worshiping God in spirit and truth John 4:23-24

TRYPHENA -- Greeted and commanded by Paul, a fellow believer at Rome Rom 16:12

TRYPHOSA -- Greeted and commanded by Paul a fellow believer at Rome. Rom 16:12

TUBAL -- Japheth fifth son. Gen 10:2 and ancestor of a tribe descended from Tubal and Japheth. Tubal as a people who would declare God's glory among the Gentiles was mentioned by Isaiah. Isa 66:19

TURTLEDOVE (DOVE -- Noted for its plaintive cooing and affection for its mate a migratory bird Song of Sol 2:12 For the poor a turtledove was an acceptable sacrificial offering for the poor. Lev 12:6-8

TWELVE, THE -- Twelve disciples or apostles chosen by Jesus. Andrew, Bartholomen (Nathanael), James son of Alphaeus, James son of Zebedee, John, Judas, Lebaeus (Thaddaeus) , Matthew, Philip, Simon the Canaanite, Simon Peter, and Thomas Matt 10:1-4 : Mark 3:13-19 ; Luke 6:12-16

TWIN BROTHERS -- See Castor and Pollux

TYCHICUS -- On his third missionary journey a Christian who accompanied Paul Acts 20:4

TYPE -- A thing or person which foreshadows something else. The brass serpent place upon a pole by Moses in the wilderness Num 21:4-9 pointed to the atoning death of Jesus on the the cross John 3:14-15 is an example.

TYRANNUS -- Paul was allowed by this man of Ephesus to use his lecture hall for two years after he was banned from the local synagogue Acts 19:8-10

TYRE/TYRUS -- North of Palestine an ancient coastal city of Phoenicia. The Tyre's ruler Hiram helped David and Solomon with their building projects I Kings 5:1-10 The city was a thriving trade center in the prophet Ezekiel's day. Because or its sin and idolatry Ezekiel predicted its destruction. Ezek 28:6-10 Jesus visited the city Mark 7:24 and Paul landed there. Acts 21:3 , 7

TZADDI -- Of the Hebrew alphabet the eighteenth letter used as a heading over Ps 119: 137-144