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EAGLE -- The Hebrews considered it an unclean large bird of prey Lev 11:13 The eagle of the Bible is believed by Scholars to actually be the griffon vulture.

EAR -- The unregenerate ears are called dull or unhearing Matt 13:15 The "ears of the Lord" signify that He hears all of our prayers, in contrast to dumb idols Ps 115:6

EARRING -- Worn suspended from the earlobe, a piece of jewelry Gen 35:4

EARNEST (DEPOSIT FIRST INSTALLMENT) -- Unable to give full payment but a down payment given as a pledge toward payment of the full payment. A pledge of the believer's inheritance of eternal life is the Holy Spirit. II Cor 1:22

EARTHQUAKE -- Shaking of the earth violently. Ps 77:18 A token of God's wrath and judgment are these earth tremors. Judg 5:4

EAST WIND -- Also known as the sirocco, a violent scorching desert wind Job 27:21

EASTER -- A word that is used to refer to the Passover festival Acts 12:4 Many years after the New Testament era Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus developed among Christians.

EBAL -- Where Joshua after destroying the city of Ai built an altar in a rocky mountain in Samaria, or the territory of Ephraim Josh 8:30

EBED-MELECH -- He was an Ethiopian eunuch who rescued Jeremiah from a dungeon Jer 38:7-13

EBENEZER -- The site where the Philistines defeated the Israel I Sam 5:1 Years later at this site to commemorate Israel's victory over the Philistines Samuel erected an altar and called it Ebenezer, meaning "the stone of help" I Sam 7:10-12

EBER -- Shem's great-grandson Gen 10:21-24 and ancestor of the Hebrew race Gen 11:16-26

EBONY -- Used for decorative carvings and musical instruments, a hard durable wood Ezek 27:15

ECCLESIASTES, BOOK OF -- Probably written by King Solomon a wisdom book of the Old Testament. It declares that life derives joy and meaning not from riches, fame or work but from the reverence for God and obedience to His commandments. One of the most memorable passages in the poem on the proper time. "A time to be born, and a time to die, ... A time to weep, and a time to laugh; ... A time to keep silence and a time to speak" Eccl 3:1-9

EDEN, GARDEN OF -- God created this specifically fruitful garden as the home of Adam and Eve. The four rivers of Eden, Euphrates being included, suggest that it may have been located in Mesopotamia. Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden because of their sin Gen 2:8--3:24

EDIFICATION -- The process that which believers grow in righteousness, holiness and wisdom I Cor 14:3


EDOMITES -- Esau's descendants who were the Israelites' enemies. After the Exodus the king of Edom refused to allow the Hebrews to pass through his territory. Num 20:14-21 David conquered the Edomites in later years II Sam 8:14 But they apparently existed with a distinct territory and culture for several centuries Ps 137:7

EDREI -- King Og was defeated in this capital city of Bashan by the Israelites Num 21:33-35

EGLAH -- One of David's many wives II Sam 3:2-5

EGYPT -- Along the Nile River the ancient nation which held the Hebrew people in slavery for more than 400 years. About 2000 B.C. before the time of Abraham Egypt had flourished as a highly civilized culture for several centuries. Abraham moved on to Egypt from Canaan to escape a famine Gen 12:10 Much the same circumstance led Jacob and his family to settle in Egypt after Joseph his son became a high official of the Egyptian pharaoh Gen 45 - 46Apparently Mizraim, Ham's son, was the ancestor of the Egyptians I Chron 1:8

EHUD -- The second Judge of Israel and the son of Gera. He killed Eglon, king of Moab and freed his nation from the heavy taxation of Eglon. Ehud belonged to the tribe of Benjamin in which had a unusual number of left hand men and Ehud was one of them. On the pretext of bring the king a gift, and when they were alone drawing his sword using his left hand, he killed the king and escaped. Judges 3:20-30

EKRON -- One of the five chief Philistine cities that was allotted to Dan after being captured by Judah, the judge. Judg 1:18

ELAM -- An ancestor of the Elamites the son of Shem Gen 10:22

ELAMITES -- Lived in Mesopotamia in the are later populated by the Persians and Medes he was a descendant of Elam. Jer 25:25


ELEAZAR -- After the death of Aaron, several of his brothers Eleazar was the third son of Aaron and became the high priest. He assisted with the settlement of the people in Canaan under Joshua and the taking of the census at Moab. His son was Phinehas Numbers 3, 4, 16, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 34; Joshua 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24; I Chronicles 6, 9, 24

ELECT LADY (CHOSEN LADY) -- A local church or the person to which the Second Epistle of John is addressed to. II John 1:1

ELECTION, DIVINE -- God's choice of persons who will be redeemed doctrine. Conflicts between Christ's invitation that "whoever will" may come to Him and God's electing grace are not easily resolved. God's intentional will is for all to be saved after coming to repentance II Pet 3:9 All those who reject Jesus will be lost John 5:40 God's unmerited grace Rom 9:11-16 His will for their lives II Thess 2:13 Characterized by Christ-likeness Rom 8:29 holiness Eph 1:4 good works Eph 2:10 and eternal hope I pet 1:2-4

EL-ELOHE-ISRAEL -- After being reconciled to his brother Esau Jacob gave this name to the altar which he built at Shechem. A name meaning " God, the God of Israel" Gen 33:22

ELI -- High priest at Shiloh, Judge of Israel and a descendant of Aaron through his son Ithamar. He had two wicked sons, Hophni and Phinehas that he was not a forceful man to control them. He was always overshadowed by others around him, Hannah, Samuel, and others. Samuel was trained by Eli for the priesthood and he became his successor I Samuel 1 -- 4


ELIDAD -- Appointed by Moses, a leader of the tribe of Benjamin, to help divide the land of Canaan after its occupation by the Israelites Num 34:21

ELIHU -- After Zophar, Bildad, and Elipaz had failed to answer Job's questions satisfactorily this friend spoke to him. Job 32:2-6

ELIJAH/ELIAS - Elijah, one of the greatest prophets of Israel during the reigns of Ahab and Ahaziah. During his time the followers of Jehovah were persecuted when Ahab married Jezebel, the daughter of the Tyrian king and built a temple to Baal in Samaria. Because of this there was a drought that lasted three years. During this time the ravens brought him food while Elijah lived near the brook Cherith. He then stayed with a poor widow in Zarephath when the brook dried up. Miraculously, her meager food supply of meal and oil was never used up. Elijah thought his prayers restored her son life when he died. A contest soon was held between the priests of Baal and Elijah on Mount Carmel. When the Priests lost they were slain when Elijah was successful in calling down fire from heaven to consume his sacrifice. Because of the priests being slain Jezebel threatened Elijah's life and he fled to the south. He soon found a cave and took refuge in it to beg to die. Jehovah revealed himself to Elijah to reassured him and give him a commission to pronounce the doom of the house of Ahaziah the king. While walking with Elijah, his successor in conversation Elijah was caught up in a chariot of fire and carried to heaven. Enoch and Elijah are the only two mortals not to have tasted death. I Kings 17, 18, 19, 21: II Kings 1-10

ELIM -- After they crossed the Red Sea the Israelites second encampment. Exod 15:27

ELIMELECH --Naomi's husband and the father-in-law of Ruth. Leaving his family destitute when he died in Moab. Ruth 1:2-17

ELIPHALET/ELPALET/ELIPHELET -- Born in Jerusalem to Bathsheba David's son II Sam 5:16 Elipalet I Chron 14:5 Eliphelet I Chron 3:5-6


ELISABETH (ELIZABETH)-- A close relative of Mary Jesus' mother, the wife of Zacharias and the mother of John the Baptist. Luke 1:5-57

ELISHA/ELISEUS -- Elisha was the son of Shaphat, a prosperous farmer. While plowing a field one day, Elijah appeared and threw his mantle over Elisha's shoulders, this was the constituted call from God to follow the prophet. Elisha slew the oxen and offered them as a sacrifice. Elisha waited on Elijah devotedly after becoming Elijah's disciple. When Elijah was carried away into heaven and received his mantle Elisha was with him. Elisha was acclaimed the new prophet by those who waited on the opposite shore after he recrossed the Jordan, returning the way Elijah and Elisha had cross. Elisha served Israel as its prophet under four kings: Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz and Jehoash for fifty years. Elisha lived in cities and was gentle, merciful, and diplomatic. He performed twice the miracles as Elijah and were mostly deeds of mercy, like restoring the life of the twelve-year-old son of the Shunammite woman and curing Naaman, the chief of the Syrian army of his leprosy I Kings 19:16-17 ; II Kings 2-9 , 13

ELISHAMA/ELISHUA -- David's son born in Jerusalem I Chron 3:1-6 Elishua II Sam 5:15

ELISHEBA -- Aaron's wife and the mother of Abihu, Ithamar, Nadab, and Eleazar Exod 6:23

ELIZAPHAN -- Appointed by Moses to help divide the land of Canaan after its occupation by the Israelites, He was a leader of the tribe of Zebulun Num 34:25

ELON -- Judged Israel for ten years and was of the tribe of Zebulon Judges 12:11 , 12

ELOTH -- David captured this Edomite seaport city on the Red Sea King Solomon later turned it into a station for trading ships I Kings 9:26

ELUL -- Roughly equivalent to our September the sixth month of the Hebrew year Heb 6:15

ELYMAS (el'-i-mas) For the Jewish false prophet and magician (another neme) who sought to turn the proconsu Sergius Paulus away from the faith In Acts 13:6 he is called Gar-jesus. At Cyprus, he sent for Barnabas and Paul to hear the.

EMBALMING -- To protect if from decay the preparing of a body for burial. Joseph was embalmed when he was prepared for burial Gen 50:2-26 The Jews did not use the custom of embalming bodies but with the exceptions was Jacob and Joseph who died in Egypt and was embalmed.

EMBROIDERY -- Art of fancy needlework Exod 28:69

EMERALD -- Used in the high priest's breastplate a precious stone of pure green color. Exod 28:18 Also used in the foundation of New Jerusalem Rev 21:19

EMERODS (TUMORS, ULCERS) -- When the Philistines placed the stolen ark of the covenant next to their false god Dagon, this strange disease which the exact nature is unknown struck the Philistines Deut 28:27 EMIMS (EMITES, EMIM) -- East of the Dead Sea a race of giants. Gen 14:5 Another race of giants known as the Anakims were closely related to them. Deut 2:10-11

EMIMS (EMITES, EMIM) Eas of the Dead sea a race of giants (Gen 14:5) Another race of giants known as the Anakims (Deut 2:10-11) were closely related to them.

EMMANUEL/IMMANUEL -- Meaning "God with us" given to the Christ child Matt 1:23 The prophet Isaiah foretold the birth of a Savior bearing this name. Isa 7:14 God incarnate came in the person of Jesus Christ as this symbolic name suggests. I John 4:2

EMMAUS -- Shortly after His resurrection a village near Jerusalem where Jesus revealed Himself to two of His followers. Luke 24:13-33

ENCHANTER (MEDIUM SOOTHSAYER) -- To drive away evil spirits this person used magical chants and rituals. Jer 27:9

EN-DOR -- In the territory of Manasseh a city. Josh 17:11 A witch in this city is who King Saul sought advice from. I Sam 28:1-10

EN-GEDI -- On the western shore of the Dead Sea an oasis. David hid from King Saul at this oasis. I Sam 23:29--24:1

ENGINES (MACHINES) -- This word is used to the ingenuity of a machine or apparatus. In II Chron 26:15 the "engines"

ENGRAVER -- A craftsman who engraved stone, metals or carved wood Exod 35:35

ENMITY -- One person's deep animosity toward another person. Gen 3:15 Characteristic of an unredeemed person or persons Rom 1:29-30


ENOS (ENOSH) -- The grandson of Adam and the son of Seth. Gen 5:6 Listed in the New Testament ancestry of Jesus Luke 3:38

ENSIGN (BANNER) -- To identified an army or tribe a symbol on a long pole Num 2:2

ENVY -- One person's resentment toward another person's good fortune. Prov 27:4 Christians were cautioned by Paul against the dangers of this sin Rom 13:13

EPAENETUS (EPENETUS) Paul greeted and commended this fellow believer at Rome Rom 16:5

EPAPHRAS -- Colossian church leader Col 1:7-8 In Rome Paul called this person his "fellow prisoner" Philem 23

EPAPHRODITUS -- While Paul was imprisoned in Rome this believer from Philippi brought a gift to him Phil 4:18

EPHAH -- Equal to about one bushel a dry measure Exod 16:36

EPHESIANS, EPISTLE TO THE -- The apostle Paul pens a letter to the church at Ephesus on the theme of the risen Christ as Lord or creation and head of His body , the Church. On the redemption made possible by the atoning death of Christ and His grace is is appropriated through faith "not or works, lest any man should boast" is covered in the first three chapters. Ephesus 1Chapter 4-6 call on the Ephesian Christians to remain faithful in turbulent times and to model their lives after Christ's example.

EPHESUS -- Paul spent two to three years establishing a church in this chief city of Asia Minor. It is was a center of worship of the pagan goddess Diana. Acts 18:19-21 On this site archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a Roman theater and the temple of Diana.

EPHOD -- Worn by the high priest while officiating at the sacrificial altar, a sleeveless linen garment, similar to a vest. II Sam 6:14

EPHPHATHA -- Jesus spoke this Aramaic word, meaning "be opened" to heal a deaf man Mark 7:34


EPHRON -- Abraham bought this cave of Machpelah from this Hittite as a burial sit Gen 23:8-20

EPICUREANS -- Greek philosopher Epicurus believed the highest goal of life was the pursuit of pleasure, tempered by morality and cultural refinement. These are his followers. When Paul addressed the crowd in the city of Athens Epicurus was among the crowd. Acts 17:18

EPISTLE -- Of the Twenty-seven books of the New Testament, twenty-two were written as Epistle, which is a type of correspondence best described as a "formal letter"

ERASTUS -- Paul sent into Macedonia apparently from Ephesus this Christian believer. Acts 19:22

ERECH -- On the Euphrates River in the land of Shinar one of the cities of Nimrod's kingdom. Gen 10:10

ESAR-HADDON -- Sennacherib's son who succeeded His father as Assyria's King. He reigned about 681-669 B.C. II Kings 19:37 After the fall of the Northern Kingdom He was apparently the king who resettled Samaria with foreigners. Ezra 4:1-2

ESAU/EDOM -- Jacob was born about 30 minutes after Esau, making Esau the elder of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. They were always rivals with Esau being rough and earthy. Nothing was sacred to him, and he sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. When the elderly Isaac was tricked and gave Jacob his blessing it would take 20 years for the brothers were reconciled. The Edomites were founded by Esau. Genesis 25, 27, 28, 32, 33, 36

ESEK -- The servants of Isaac and Abimelech quarreled over this well in the valley of Gerar Gen 26:20

ESHCOL -- Explored by the spies sent into Canaan a valley or brook near Hebron Deut 1:24

ESSENES -- [es SEENZ] (meaning unknown) __ a religious community that existed in Palestine from about the middle of the second century B. C. until the Jewish war with Rome (A. D. 66_70).
The Essenes were noted for their strict discipline and their isolation from others who did not observe their way of life.
Although the Bible never mentions the Essenes, they are described by several ancient historians.
The Essenes are an important part of the background to the New Testament, showing the beliefs and practices of one Jewish religious group at the time of John the Baptist and Jesus.
People have been especially interested in the Essenes since the discovery of the DEAD SEA SCROLLS at QUMRAN. The people who lived at Qumran probably were a group of Essenes.
Individual Essenes did not own any private property. Instead, they shared all their possessions with others in their community. They avoided any show of luxury and ate very simple meals. They wore simple clothes until they hung in shreds.
The Essenes were also known for their careful observance of the laws of Moses as they understood them. They were stricter about keeping the Sabbath than any other Jews, even the
PHARISEES. They were concerned about being ritually clean themselves and about eating food that was ritually pure. For this reason, they had priests prepare their food.
. Essenes lived together in all the towns of Palestine in the days of Jesus. They were famous for their hospitality. An Essene traveling from one place to another knew he would be looked after by other Essenes, although he had never met them. The Essenes were also known for taking care of the sick and elderly.
They were interested in medicines; in fact, some people think that the name Essenes means "healers." The Essenes would arise before sunrise for prayer. Then they would work until about midday, when they would bathe__ to make sure they were ritually clean__ before eating.
Afterwards they would work again until the evening meal. Anyone who wanted to become an Essene was required to hand over all he owned to the community. He would then be given the typical Essene white robe. Only after he had shown that he was trustworthy for a full year would he be allowed to use the community's special water for purification. And he had to prove that he was reliable for two more years before he could become a full member. Then, after promising to keep the Essene rules, he became a full member and was allowed to take part in the community meals. But if he should break the Essene rule, he would be expelled from the community.
The Essenes believed that the souls of men were immortal and would be rewarded or punished after death. They had a special interest in angels, and some were known for making accurate predictions about the future. They avoided taking part in the services of the Temple in Jerusalem. Instead, they worshiped God in their own communities. Some of the Essenes' beliefs and practices are similar to parts of the New Testament. The ritual washings of the Essenes bring to mind the baptism preached and practiced by John the Baptist. But John baptized people only once, while the Essenes' washings took place every day.
And Jesus told his followers not to use oaths, just as the Essenes avoided oaths. The Essenes' practice of COMMUNITY OF GOODS is also similar to what happened in the early church in Jerusalem <Acts 2:44_45>. But again, there is a difference. Christians sold their property of their own free will, while this was a requirement in the Essene community.
Like the Essenes, the early Christians were soon known for their generous hospitality. A major difference was that the early Christians did not practice all the rules about the Sabbath and ritual purity that were so important to the Essenes. Above all, Christians believed that Jesus was the Messiah and Lord.
Essenes continued to wait for God's salvation.
(From Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary) (Copyright (C) 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

ESTHER -- Esther was a young woman from the tribe of Benjamin and was a captive in Babylon, she raised in the home of her cousin, Mordecai because she was an orphan. Hadassah was her Hebrew name, Ester the Persian. When Vashti fell from the favor of king Ahasuerus, she became queen. Esther secured a reversal of the order to kill all Jews and became the heroine of her people. This event is celebrated by the Feast of Purim on March 14 and 15 to this day. Esther 2 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 9 are of particular interest although Ester's name appears fifty-five times in the book of Esther.

ESTHER, BOOK OF -- The Old Testament book, Historical book named for its major personality Esther clearly shows that God sustains and protects His people. Queen Esther of Persia, a Jew saved her people from annihilation by the scheming and evil Haman, a high official of the Persian King.

ETERNAL LIFE -- Everlasting existence or life without end. At their conversion by Christ Eternal life was promised to believers John 11:25-26 It was affirmed by the appearance of Moses and Elijah to Jesus and the three disciples Matt 17:2-9 Christ became the "first-fruits" of eternal life for all believers through His resurrection. I Cor 15:12-58 Man's final victory over sin and death is represented by Life everlasting. Rev 21:4

ESTHETICS -- Is made a part of philosophy by A. G. Baumgarten and is may be defined as a systematic training to right thinking and right feeling in matter of art.

ETHANIM -- Corresponding roughly to out October the seventh month of the Hebrew year I Kings 8:2

ETHIOPIA -- South of Egypt an ancient nation. Moses' wife was an Ethiopian woman Num 12:1 A servant of the queen of Ethiopia was witnessed to by Philip Act 8:27

EUBULUS -- Timothy received greetings from this Christian from Rome. II Tim 4:21

EUNICE -- Eunice was Timothy's mother, Jewess who had a Gentile husband. They lived in city of Lystra in the Roman province of Galatia Acts 16:1; II Timothy 1:5

EUNUCH -- Servant of a king in the male household Often emasculated to protect the king's harem II Kings 9:32

EUODIAS -- At Philippi a Christian woman Phil 4:2

EUPHRATES -- In the territory of the ancient Babylonians and Persians in Mesopotamia a major river. This river is also mentioned as one of the rivers of the Garden of Eden Gen 2:14

EUROCLYDON (NORTH-EASTER) -- Paul's ship bound for Rome was struck by this violent wind. Acts 27:14

EUTYCHUS -- During Paul's sermon at Troas a young man who went to sleep and fell from a window. Paul restored him Acts 20:9-12

EVANGELIST -- Preaching the gospel a person who traveled from place to place. One of the zealous evangelists of the early churches was Philip Acts 21:8

EVE - Her name means "life" Gen 3:20; 4:1; II Corinthians 11:3; I Timothy 2:13 The first women created by God from the rib ( I believe it needs to be translated into more than just rib.) of Adam

EVIL -- A force opposition to God and righteousness. Originates with Satan this evil force. At the end time Satan will be thrown into a lake of fire when God will triumph over evil. Rev 20:10

EVIL-MERODACH -- As king of Babylonia, a successor of Nebuchadnezzar II from 562-560 B.C. King Jehoiachin of Judah was released from prison by him. II Kings 25:27-30

EWE LAMB -- A female sheep Gen 21:30

EXHORTATION -- A strong message of warning or encouragement . Heb 12:5

EXODUS, BOOK OF -- An Old Testament book, it recounts the early years of the Hebrew people as a nation in the wilderness and from Egyptian enslavement. (1.) Moses called by God to lead the people out of slavery Chap 3-4 (2.) Plagues sent upon the Egyptians Chap 7-12 (3.) The Israelites being released and the crossing of the Red Sea at God's hand Chap 14 (4.) God's miraculous provision for His people while they were in the wilderness 16:1-17:7 (5.) The Ten Commandments being received by Moses as well as other parts of the law. Chaps 20-23 (6.) At God's command the building of the tabernacle for worship Chaps 36-40

EYE -- A organ of sight Matt 6:22 Symbolically used to portray sinful desire I John 2:16

EZEKIEL -- Ezekiel's father was Buzi, and Ezekiel was one of the four Major Prophets. In 597 B.C. He was carried away to Babylon into exile with Jehoiachin. God called him to minister to his fellow-countrymen in exile when he was thirty years old. On the shore of the river Chebar, he prophesied to his fellow countrymen and assured them that it was God's will that they should have a great revival as a nation. More of a pastor than a prophet he served his people for twenty-two years as the pastor of their souls. To posterity he left the book of Ezekiel and his grave is supposed to be near Baghdad.

EZEKIEL -- Judah's prophet that was carried into exile by the Babylonians and who prophesied faithfully to his countrymen for more than twenty years. In the Old Testament the author of the book of Ezekiel .

EZEKIEL, BOOK OF About 585 B.C. addressed to the Jewish captives in Babylon a prophetic book of the Old Testament. It offered God's promise that His people would be restored to their homeland after their period of suffering and exile was over. Ezekiel's vision of a valley of dry bones exemplified God's promise to them "I .. shall put my spirit in you and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land" Ezek 37:13-14

EZION-GEBER/EZION-GABER -- During their years of wandering in the wilderness this was a place on the coast of the Red Sea where the Israelites camped Num 33:35 Later this settlement became a town that would serve as a harbor for Solomon's trading ships II Chron 8:17 Eziongaber Deut 2:8

EZRA -- As an exile in Babylon, Ezra thought about returning to Jerusalem with an offering to the Temple. He received the approval of Artaxerxes, the Persian Emperor (Decree recorded in Ezra 7:12 -- 26 ) Not counting the women and children Ezra crossed the desert on a four month trip with approximately 1500 men. Ezra is regarded as the founder of Judaism, he was a student of the law, an interpreter of the law, and a copyist of the law. He made the religion of the Hebrews book centered and He saw to it that they were well schooled in it. With his leadership there were drastic measures of reform under his leadership. Ezra is spoken of in Ezra, Nehemiah 8 , 12 ; Haggai 1 , 2

EZRA, BOOK OF -- About 500 B.C. following their period of exile in Babylonia and Persia a Historical book of the Old Testament which describes events in Jerusalem after the Jewish captives began returning to their homeland. After the rebuilding of the temple Ezra 6:14-15, put away foreign wives Ezra 10:1-17 and confessed their sins and renewed the covenant Neh 9-10