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CAB (KAB) -- For dry material it is the smallest unit of measure, equal to about three pints II Kings 6:25

CAESAR -- Four separate Caesars are mentioned in the New Testament because it was a formal titile for several emperors of the Roman Empire. (1.) Caesar Augustus who reigned from 27 BC to AD 14. It was his issueing of the taxation or census decree which forced Joseph to go to Bethleham for Jesus's birth Luke 2:1
(2.) Caesar Tiberius who reigned about AD 14-37, which would be almost paralledled to the ministry of Jesus. Tiberius was strict with subject nations and his intolerance of potential rivals John 19:12
(3.) Caesar Claudius reigned from AD 41-54 He wanted to remove the strife throughtout his empire so he expel all the Jewish people living in Rome Acts 18:2
(4.) Caesar Nero reigned form AD 54-68 The Christians were persecuted, and as a Romen Citizen Paul appealed to him Acts 25:8-12

CAESAREA -- Founded about 10 BC a Roman coastal city that was named for the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus. It was the city of residence for Roman rulers of the district because it was the political capital of Palestine. Agrippa II whom Paul appeared to lived there. Acts 26:28-32

CAESAREA PHILIPPI -- In northern Palestine a city at the foot of Mt. Hermon where Peter confess Jesus as the Messiah Matt 16:13-28 Tetrarch Philip a Roman who rebuilt the city had it called Caesarea Philippi to distinguish it from the city of Caesarea on the Mediterranean coast in central Palestine.

CAESAR'S HOUSEHOLD -- Probably associated with the palace of the emperor in Rome a group of converts. Greetings from this group to the church at Philippi was sent by Paul Phil 4:22

CAIAPHAS -- The high priest Joseph Caiaphas was the son-in-law of Annas. By the virtue of his office he presided at the meeting of the Sanhedrin. ( synedrion, "sitting together," hence "assembly" or "council") was an assembly of twenty-three to seventy-one men appointed in every city in the Land of Israel. -- Wikipedia ) The meeting of the Sanhedrin was called together after the raising of Lazarus, by Jesus. Caiaphas was one of the many who want Jesus put to death. He was present for Jesus' trial, and being condemned, he also took part in the examination of John and Peter. Matthew 26:3 , 57 ; John 11:49 ; 18:13 , 14 , 24 , 28 ; Acts 4:6

CAIN -- The brother of Abel and the eldest son of Adam and Eve. He slew his brother and buried his body because of jealousy. He became a fugitive and went to dwelt in the land of Nod for this murder. God protected him by placing a mark on him to keep anyone from killing him. It is believed that the story of Cain explains the origin of the nomadic tribes of Arabia. Genesis 4 gives the account of the story.

CALAH -- Built by Nimrod it was an ancient city of Assyria Gen 10:8-12

CALAMUS (FRAGRANT CANE, AROMATIC CANE) -- Known for its sweet fragrance a reed-like plant Sol 4:14 Used in anointing oil Exod 30:23

CALDRON -- Used by priests for boiling meats for sacrificial purposes, A large kettle, II Chron 35:13

CALEB -- Caleb was one of those that was sent to spy out the land of Canaan commissioned by Moses. He recommended that the Israelites attack at once to gain possession of the land and only Joshua and Caleb brought back a good report. Because of the other reports the people were reluctant to accept their reports and threatened to stone Joshua and Caleb with the appearance of the glory of God in the Tabernacle saved them. Caleb was always a champion of the Lord and a vigorous man physically. Caleb name appears many times in the book of Numbers and in Joshua 14 and Judges 1.

CALF -- Prized as a delicacy a young cow Gen 18:7 and often sacrificed as a burnt offering Lev 9:8

CALF, GOLDEN -- In the wilderness as they waited for Moses to come down from Mt Sinai, An idol built and worshiped by the Israelites Exod 32:1-4 King Jeroboam of Israel set up at Dan and Bethel an image of Apis, a sacred bull worshiped by the Egyptians. I Kings 12:26-33

CALLING -- All Christians receive this as part of their salvation experience a special summons to service. I Cor 7:20

CALNEH/CALNO -- In Southern Mesopotamia built by Nimrod an ancient city Gen 10:9-10 May also be called Canneh Ezek 27:23 Calno: Isa 10:9

CALVARY (THE SKULL) -- The word is a Latin word which means "skull" thus called the "place of the skull" This is the hill just outside the city walls of Jerusalem where they crucified Jesus Luke 23:33 The Aramaic for of this word is Golgotha Mark 15:22

CAMEL -- Ideally suited to the desert climate of Palestine a hardy, humpbacked animal that was used as a riding animal and a beast of burden Gen 24:64

CAMP -- Tent dwellers and nomads pitch their tents in these locations. Many different camps were set up during the Israelites' years of wandering in the wilderness. Num 33:1-49

CAMPHIRE (HENNA) -- Used by women to adorn their lips and fingernails a plant which produced a valuable red dye. Song of Sol 1:14

CANA OF GALILEE -- Near Capernaum a small village in the district of Galilee where Jesus at a wedding feast performed His first miracle ----transformation of water into wine. John 2:1-11

CANAAN -- (1) Ham son who descendants founded several tribal peoples in and around Palestin (Gen 10:1 , 6 , 15-18)

(2) South Half of the East Borfer of the Mediterranean Sea was a ribbon of fertile land between the Desert and the Sea. It was about 150 miles long from the North and South. The East West was about 50 miles wide. With two mountain ranges with a valley between ran parallel to the East shore of the Mediterranean. The rains and rivers made by these ranges made a very fertile belt between the Sea and Desert. The Lebanon Mountains, are the center and high point of these ranges opposite Tyre and Sidon. Snow covered peaks allowed enormous quantities of water to flow in all directions.The Orontes river flowed Norht, made Antioch. Flowing East the Abana made Darmaseus. Flowing West the Leontes (Litany) made Tyre and Sidon. Then flowing South the Jordan made Canaan a "land flowing with milk and honey." 

ES -- The original inhabitants of Cana:9an before Abraham arrived about 2000BC who had settled the land Gen 12:5-6 At God's command because of their pagan religious practices they were eventually forced out of the land by Israel. Intermarriage between the Israelites and Canaanites was distinctly prohibited by God Deut 7:3

CANDACE -- In New Testament time the queens of Ethiopia's title Acts 8:27

CANDLE (LAMP) -- Used for illumination a shallow clay bowl with a burning wick and oil. Matt 5:15

CANDLESTICK (LAMP, STAND) -- A stand built to hold several small oil-buring lamps Mark 4:21

CANKER (GANGRENE) -- A disease usually from a wound which lead to rapid deterioration of the flesh II Tim 2:17

CANKERWORM (LOCUST) -- A grasshopper or locust that is in its caterpillar stage of growth. Joel 1:4

CAPERNAUM -- Served as the headquarters for Jesus during His Galilean ministry a city on the Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee Matt 9:1 ; Mark 2:1 Capernaum was also Jesus' disciples Matthew Matt 9:9 Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John Mark 1:21-29

CAPH -- Used as a heading over Ps 119:81-88 The eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet

CAPHTOR -- Probably the island of Crete, the original home of the Philistines Jer 47:4

CAPPADOCIA -- A Roman province of Asia Minor. Peter addressed Christians of Cappadoia I Pet 1:1

CAPTAIN -- A military or a title for a civil officer Judg 4:7 Also a title for Christ Heb 2:10

CAPTIVITY -- A conquering nation that carry away the citizens of a country that it conquered. The Assyrians carried into captivity the nation of Israel ( Northern Kingdom) about 722 BC II Kings 15:29 The Babylonians carried into captivity the nation of Judah (Southern Kingdom) about 587 BC II Chron 36:6-7

CARBUNCLE (BERYL, EMERALD) -- A deep red in color precious stone that was placed in the breast plate of the High Priest Exod 28:17

CARCHEMISH/CHARCHEMISH -- Near the Euphrates River in Mesopotamia an ancient city Jer 46:2 In this city the Assyrian army was victorious over the Egyptians II Chron 35:20-24

CARMEL, MOUNT -- In northern Palestine a prominent mountain. This was where the prophet Elijah with the priests of the pagan god Baal in a dramatic encounter demonstrated the power of God. I Kings 18:17-39

CARNAL (WORLDLY) -- Letting the desire of the flesh have its way. The Christians of Corinth was led into division and strife by their natural desires. I Cor 3:1-5

CARPUS -- Paul's friend to whom he entrusted his cloak II Tim 4:13

CART -- Usually pulled by oxen a wagon with two wheels I Sam 6:7-8

CASLUHIM (CASLUHITES) -- An ancient people, Mizraim's descends, the Hebrew word for Egypt, son of Ham Gen 10:14

CASSIA -- Similar to the Cinnamon the dried bard of a tree which was prized for its pleasing fragrance. Cassia was used in holy oil as an ingredient. Exod 30:24

CASTAWAY -- Paul used this word to express the idea of "rejected" or "disqualified" (1st Cor 9:27) A word for "rejection" or "worthlessness"

CASTLE (BARRACKS) A defense tower, fortress protection . The castle where Paul was taken was the quarters of the Roman soldiers at Jerusalem near the temple in the fortress of Antonia Acts 21:34

CASTOR AND POLLUX (TWIN BROTHERS) -- In Greek and Roman mythology the twin sons of Zeus who were considered special protectors of sailors The two pagan gods were featured carving on Paul's ship to Rome. Acts 28:11

CAVE -- Caves were used as burial places Gen 49:29 and some times as residences Gen 19:30 there were a naural passangeway or cavern with in the earth.

CEDAR -- The Cedars of Lebanon was used in the temple in Jerusalem. The cedar was a cone-bearing evergreen tree which produces a redish, fragrant wood. I King 5:1-10

CENCHREA (CENCHREAE) -- During his second missionary journey Paul passed through this harbor of Corinth. I King 5:1-10

CENSER -- A container, small and portable in which incense was burned Num 16:6-39

CENSUS -- Where of a country or region you take the count of the population II Sam 24: 1-9 ; Luke 2:1-3

CENTURION -- An officer of the Roman military who commanded a force of one hundred soldiers. Acts 10:1, 22

CEPHAS -- In Aramaic the word cephas (spelled Kephas) means "rock" which Peter was name by Jesus John 1:42

CHAFF -- Separated when the grain is tossed into the air it is the leftover husks of threshed grain. Chaff is compared to the ungodly Ps 1:4

CHALCEDONY (AGATE) -- Used in the foundation of the heavenly city or New Jerusalem a precious stone cut form multicolored quartz. Rev 21:19

CHALKSTONE -- Rock similar to limestone that is soft and easily to crush Isa 27:9

CHAMBER -- A word used to describe a room or an enclosed place in a public building or house II Kings 23:12

CHAMBERLAIN (EUNUCH) -- An officer who is in charge of the King's lodgings, royal chambers, wardrobe and possibly his harem Esther 2:3

CHAMOIS (MOUNTAIN SHEEP) -- Wild goat or a wild mountain sheep probably refers to . Deut 14:5

CHANCELLOR (COMMANDING OFFICER, ROYAL DEPUTY -- Persian kings or a high official whose exact duties are unknown Ezra 4:8

CHARGER (PLATTER) -- Used in sacrificial ceremonies a dish or shallow basin Num 7:13, 79 John the Baptist's head was placed on a charger Matt 14:11

CHARIOT -- Drawn by horses a two wheeled carriage. Instruments of war and High government officials rode in them. Judg 4:15

CHARIOT CITIES -- Solomon's chariots and chariot forces were stored or head quartered in these cities I Kings 9:19

CHARIOT OF FIRE -- Blazing horses pulling a fiery chariot came between Elijah and Elisha as Elijah was taken into heaven by a whirlwind. II Kings 2:11

CHARIOTS OF THE SUN -- King Josiah of Judah burned all the chariots that had been dedicated to the sun, a popular custom among the Persians, who worshiped the heavenly body. II Kings 23:11

CHARITY -- An old English word that stood for Love I Cor 13

CHARMERS -- Claiming to be able to commune with the dead, Magicians Isa 19:3

CHASTISEMENT (DISCIPLINE) -- Punishment or discipline given by God for correcting and guiding His children Heb 12:8

CHASTITY -- Generally referring to sexual purity but a term for inward cleanliness. II Cor 11:2

CHEBAR -- Jewish captives settled during the Exile at this river or canal of Babylonia. Chebar is where Ezekiel's visions came to him. Ezek 1:3 ; 10:15 , 20

CHEDORLAOMER -- This king of Elam invaded Canaan in Abraham's time Gen 14:1-16

CHEEK -- In Jesus time it was considered a grave insult to strike a person on the cheek. Job 16:10 Jesus attempted to teach believers to react to such acts with kindness Luke 6:29

CHEMOSH -- Chief pagan god of the Ammonites and Moabites to which children were sacrificed II Kings 23:13 ; Judg 11:24

CHERETHITES/CHERETHIM -- In southwest Palestine a tribe of the Philistines I Sam 30:14 Cherethim: Ezek 25:16

CHERITH -- A brook, where prophet Elijah was hiding and he was fed by ravens during a famine I Kings 17:3-5

CHERUMIM -- Winged creatures, an order of angelic Gen 3:24 Their function was to glorify His name and praise God Ezek 10:18-20

CHETH -- Used as a heading over Ps 119:57-64 The eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet

CHIEF -- Head of the family or tribe Num 3:24

CHIEF SEATS -- Sought by the scribes and Pharisees, places of honor. Jesus teaching was that the highest honor is to serve others. Mark 12:31

CHILDREN -- To have children was looked upon as a blessing Ps 127:3 and not to have them was considered a curse. Deut 7:14 Children is also used symbolically to those who belong to Christ Rom 8:17

CHILEAB/DANIEL -- One of David's sons, also called Daniel II Sam 3:3 ; I Chron 3:1

CHILION -- Ruth's brother-in-law and the son of Elimelech and Naomi. Ruth 1:2-5

CHIOS -- During Paul's third missionary journey, an island in the Aegean Sea passed by Paul on his way to Jerusalem. Acts 20:15

CHISLEU (KISLEV, CHISLEV) -- Roughly equivalents to parts of our November and December the ninth month of the Hebrew year. Neh 1:1

CHLOE -- A Christian disciple who was at the place from which Paul sent his first epistle to the Corinthians, probably Philippi I Cor 1:11

CHORAZIN -- Jesus din many mighty words in this city north of the Sea of Galilee, and where he pronounced a woe on it because of its unbelief. Matt 11:21

CHRIST -- Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, Old Testament Hebrew Messiah

CHRISTIAN -- Follower or disciple of Christ. The believers in the church at Antioch is where the name apparently was first used. Acts 11:26 Saint Acts 9:13 and brethren Acts 6:3 are other words that express the same idea.

CHRONICLES BOOKS OF FIRST AND SECOND -- Beginning with a genealogy of Adam and all of his descendants I Chron 1-9 and then ending with the return of Jewish captives to their home land about 538 BC following a period of exile among the Persians and Babylonians II Chron 36 These two historical book of the Old Testament covers several centuries of history.

CHRYSOLYTE (CHRYSOLITE) -- Possibly yellow topaz, a precious stone used in the foundation of the heavenly city or New Jerusalem Rev 21:20

CHRYSOPRASUS (CHRYSOPRASE) -- Green in color, Similar to agate, a precious stone used in the foundation of the heavenly city or New Jerusalem Rev 21:20

CHURCH --A Greek term translated meaning "an assembly" A body of believers assembled for Christian worship Acts 15:4 ; I Cor 1:2 and all the redeemed of the ages who belong to Christ Gal 1:13 ; Eph 5:27 The Head of the Church is Christ and His will is to be preeminent Col 1:18 by virtue of His redeeming work and lordship Col 1:14 ; 3:15-17 The Church's mission is to minister to others in the world and win the lost Luke 4:18

CHUSHAN-RISHATHAIM (CUSHAN-RISHATHAIM) -- He was defeated by the first judge, Othniel and was a king of Mesopotamia who oppressed the Israelites. Judg 3:8-10

CILICIA -- Its major city was Tarsus a province of Asia Minor. After Paul's conversion he visited Cilicia Acts 9:30 ; Gal 1:21

CIRCUMCISION -- A ritual performed generally on the eighth day after birth, the removal of the foreskin of the male sex organ. Exod 12:44 Possibility of initiated withe Abraham Gen 17:9-14 signified the covenant between God and His people, the Hebrews. It is used symbolically for the casting off of sin or worldly desires in the New Testament Col 2:11

CIRCUMSPECT -- Prudent and holy. Paul charged the Christians of Ephesian to live circumspectly Eph 5:15

CISTERN -- Served as a water reservoir, a large pit or hole in the ground. II Kings 18:31 Dungeons or prisons were made from the empty cisterns Gen 37:24

CITIES OF REFUGE -- Six cities set aside as sanctuaries for those who killed other persons by accident that were assigned to the Levites. They were scattered throughout Palestine and were, Shechem, Ramothgilead, Kedesh, Hebron, Golan, and Bezer. Josh 20:7-9

CITIES OF THE PLAIN -- On the plain of Jordan five cities, Admah, Bela, or Zoar, Gomorrah, Sodom and Zeboiim were destroyed in Abraham's time because of the great sin of their inhabitants. Gen 19:22-30

CITY -- Where trade and commerce flourished with a population center. In the Bible the first city mentioned was built by Cain Gen 4:17

CITY GATE -- In the city wall a massive wooden door, often reinforced with brass or iron to give it greater strength. Just inside the gate Goods were often bought sold and legal matters were discussed just inside the gate Ruth 4:11. Specific gates were Beautiful gate Acts 3:10 Fish Gate Neh 3:3 Horse gate II Chron 23:15 and water gate Neh 3:26

CITY OF DAVID -- Because of David's close association with Bethlehem and Jerusalem that this title was applied to them. Neh 3:15 ; Luke 2:11

CITY OF GOD -- The city of Jerusalem was the religious capital of the nation of Israel and this name was applied to the city. Ps 46:4-5

CLAUDA -- Paul's ship sought protection during a storm at this small island about fifty miles from Crete. Acts 27:16

CLAUDIA -- Mentioned by Paul as a Christian believer II Tim 4:21

CLAUDIUS LYSIAS -- At Jerusalem A Roman military officer who rescued Paul form an angry mob. Acts 21:30-35 ; 23:22-30

CLAY -- Used for making bricks and pottery a fine soil Jer 18:1-6 Clay was also used some times for permanent tablets, while still moist, squares of clay were written on then baked which would produce a hard permanent tablet.

CLEAN -- Hebrews used this word to describe things that were ceremonially pure Lev 11 Symbolically the word was used to signify holiness or righteousness Ps 24:4

CLEAVE -- To remain faithful and to hold firmly. Husbands are instructed to cleave to their wives Matt 19:5

CLEMENT -- Paul commended this Christian believer at Philippi Phil 4:3

CLEOPAS -- Christ appeared on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection to this Christian believer. Luke 24:18

CLEOPHAS (CLOPAS) -- Mary's husband, one of the women who viewed the crucifixion of Jesus John 19:25






























COR -- Equivalent to fifty or more gallons, it was the largest liquid meansure used by the Hebrew people. Ezek 45:14



CORIANDER -- A plant whose seeds were used for seasonin for food and as a medicine. Num 11:7




CORN -- Used for several different granis a generic term including wheat, barley, and millet Matt 12:1


CORNELIUS -- God spoke to Cornelius who was a Roman centurion, Gentile, to send his servant to Joppa and have Peter come and preached to him, his family, and servants. They all received the Holy Spirit and was baptist-ed. Acts 10 records the account.

CRISPUS -- Crisput was converted to Christianity Acts 18:8 and baptist-ed by Paul and before that he was ruler of the synagogue at Corinth. I Cor 1:14

CROSS -- A wooden stake in the form of a t where the arms was fasten to the cross bars with a nail and the feet fasten on top of each other to the main beam using one nail threw both feet. (the knees were bent)

CROWN -- A symbol of power and authority an ornamental headdress worn by kings and queens II Kings 11:12 Also symbolically for righteous behavior befitting a believer II Tim 4:8 and a gift of eternal life from God. Jas 1:12

CRUSE -- A small flask or earthen jug for holding liquids. I Kings 17:14-15

CRYSTAL -- Possible a form of quarts but a transparent colorless rock Rev 22:1

CUBIT -- Equivalent to about eighteen inches, a standard unit for measurement of length. Gen 6:15-16

CUCKOW (SEA GULL) -- Possible a type of sea bird, the Hebrews considered unclean Lev 11:16

CUCUMBER -- This climbing vine produced vegetables, possibly similar to the cucumbers Num 11:5

CUP -- Used as a drinking utensil Gen 44:12 We drink from the cup under the new covenant established by Christ Matt 20:22 ; I Cor 10:16

CUPBEARER -- To insure it had not been poisoned a royal household servant who tasted the wine before serving it. Neh 1:11 When Joseph was imprisoned it probably was a cup bearer to the Egyptian pharaoh Gen 40:1-13

CURSE -- A call for misfortune or evil against another Gen 4:11 Jesus taught that Christians were to return kindness to someone who curse them Luk 6:28

CUSH -- Ham's oldest son and Noah's grandson I Chron 1:8-10

CUSHI -- Joab's messenger sent to King David to announce Absalom's death II Sam 18:21-32

CUTH/CUTHAM -- A district or city of Babylonia that provided colonists that settled the Northern Kingdom after it fell to the Assyrians II Kings 17:30 Cuthah: II Kings 17:24

CYMBALS -- Used as musical instrument curved metal plates I Cor 13:1

CYPRUS/CHITTIM/KITTIM -- Paul and Barnabas visited, this large island in the Mediterranean Sea which Barnabas was a native of, Acts 4:36, about 125 miles off the coast of Palestine, during their first missionary journey Acts 13:4-5 ; Chittim : Jer 2:10 ; Kittim: Gen 10:4

CYRENE -- Home of the Simon of Cyrene who carried the cross of Jesus a Greek city in North Africa. Matt 27:32

CYRENIUS (QUIRINIUS) -- At the time of Jesus' birth the Roman governor of Syria Luke 2:1-4

CYRUS -- Became the founder of the Persian empire after raising an arm and over throwing his father, reigned about 559-530 BC After conquering Babylon he permitted the Jews who was in captivity to return to Palestine about 536 BC if they so desired. He also assisted them in restoring Jerusalem. Ezra 1:1-7 ; 4:3 , 5 ; 5:13 , 14 , 17 , Daniel 1:21 II Chron 36:22-23