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SABOTH -- A Hebrew word for "hosts"

SABBATH -- Established when God rested on the seventh day the Jewish day of worship and rest. Gen 2:1-3 Of the Ten Commandments the fourth one calls for the Sabbath to be observed and "kept holy" Exodus 20:8 Restrictions on Sabbath observance that prohibited acts of mercy or necessity by the Pharisees Mark 2:23-24 Jesus stated that "the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath" Mark 2:27 In the Old Testament the seventh day of the week was the Sabbath, but most Christian groups observe Sunday as the day of worship because of Christ's resurrection on the first day of the week I Cor 16:2

SABBATH DAY'S JOURNEY -- A person was allowed to travel on the Sabbath this distance under the law. 2000 paces outside the city wall, or about 3000 feet Exodus 16:29-30; Acts 1:12

SABBATICAL YEAR -- Considered sacred to the Lord, when the land went uncultivated and debtors were released from their obligations, Every seventh year or a Sabbath year. Lev 25:20-21

SABEANS -- Inhabitants or Natives of ancient Sheba in southwest Arabia which the country is now as Yemen. Sabeans stole Job's livestock Job 1-13-15 King Solomon was visited by the wealth queen of Sheba. I Kings 10

SACKBUT (LYRE, TRIGON) -- Like a harp a triangular-shaped stringed musical instrument Dan 3:5-10

SACKCLOTH -- Made from goat's hair a coarse fabric which was worn to express grief, sorrow, and repentance Joel 1:8, 13 When Jacob thought his son Joseph was dead, he wore sackcloth Gen 37:34

SACRAMENT -- A religious act or ritual which serves as a channel of God's grace. Most Protestants admit only two - baptism and the Lord's Supper and are called "ordinances" by most evangelical groups. Most Orthodox and Roman Catholics observe seven sacraments. Matt 3:13-15

SACRIFICE -- The purpose of gaining favor or showing respect when making a offering to God or to a false gods. Animals were sacrificed on the altar to atone for transgression against God and His law in the Old Testament time. Deut 18:3 The final and perfect sacrifice for our sins was when Christ offered Himself on the cross. Heb 9:9-14

SADDUCEES -- [SAJ uh seez]__ members of a Jewish faction that opposed Jesus during His ministry. Known for their denial of the bodily resurrection, the Sadducees came from the leading families of the nation__ the priests, merchants, and aristocrats. The high priests and the most powerful members of the priesthood were mainly Sadducees <Acts 5:17>. Some scholars believe the name Sadducees came from Zadok, the high priest in the days of David <2 Sam. 15:24> and Solomon <1 Kin. 1:34_45>. Many of the wealthy lay people were also Sadducees. This may be the reason why the Sadducees gave the impression of wanting to preserve things as they were. They enjoyed privileged positions in society and managed to get along well under Roman rule. Any movement that might upset order and authority was bound to appear dangerous in their eyes. The Sadducees rejected "the tradition of the elders," that body of oral and written commentary which interpreted the law of Moses. This automatically placed them in direct conflict with another Jewish group, the PHARISEES, who had made the traditions surrounding the Law almost as important as the Law itself. The Sadducees insisted that only the laws that were written in the law of Moses (the PENTATEUCH, the first five books of the Old Testament) were really binding. The Sadducees thought this way because of religious practices that had taken place for several centuries. For many years the priests were in charge of teaching the law of God to the Israelites; they were the authorities to go to for interpretation or application of the law <Deut. 17:8_13>. Unfortunately, the leading priests lost the respect of the people by becoming corrupt. When this happened, many Jews began to respond to the SCRIBES, people who had become experts in God's law and who usually lived pious, disciplined lives, although many of them were not priests. People began to follow the teaching of the scribes and to let the scribes interpret the law of God for them. The "tradition of the elders" which followed was made up of customs, rulings, and interpretations that the scribes passed on as the authoritative way in which God's law should be applied. The Sadducees rejected this approach to authority in favor of the written law of Moses. They felt the original law alone could be trusted. Naturally, they felt Sadducean priests should be the ones to serve as the law's interpreters. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead or the immortality of the soul, since these doctrines are not mentioned in the law of Moses. Neither did they believe in rewards or punishments handed out after death, as in the doctrines of heaven and hell. <Acts 23:8> indicates that they did not believe in angels or spirits, either. They also believed in free will__ that man is responsible for his own prosperity or misfortune. They interpreted the law literally and tended to support strict justice as opposed to mercy toward the offender. Only a few references are made to the Sadducees in the New Testament. They opposed the early church <Acts 4:1_3; 5:17_18>, much more so than even the Pharisees <Acts 5:34_39; 15:5; 23:6_9>. Since the chief priests usually came from among the Sadducees, it is clear that they played a major role in the arrest of Jesus and the preliminary hearing against Him <Mark 14:60_64>, and that they urged Pilate to crucify Him <Mark 15:1,3, 10_11>. Jesus warned His disciples about the "leaven"__ the "doctrine" or teaching__ of the Sadducees <Matt. 16:1_12>. John the Baptist was suspicious of their supposed "repentance" <Matt. 3:7_12>.One incident when Jesus clashed with the Sadducees is recorded in all three of the synoptic gospels <Matt. 22:23_33; Mark 12:18_27; Luke 20:27_40>. Apparently one of the favorite sports of the Sadducees was to make fun of their opponents by showing how their beliefs led to ridiculous conclusions. They approached Jesus with a "what if" question, designed to show the absurd consequences that can arise from believing in the resurrection of the dead. "Suppose" they asked, "a woman had seven husbands in this life, and each of them died without leaving children? Whose wife would she be in the world to come? “Jesus replied with a two-part answer. First, He said that they were wrong to suggest that earthly relationships, such as marriage, will continue after the resurrection. Second, Jesus pointed out that they were wrong in not believing in the resurrection at all: "Have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living" <Matt. 22:31_32>; (also <Ex. 3:6,15_16>). Jesus' argument was that God told Moses that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Of course, these three men had died long before the time of Moses. Yet, if they were not "alive" at the time of Moses (that is, if they did not live on after their deaths), then God would not have called Himself their God, for "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob must live on if God is still their God; therefore, it is wrong to deny life after death and the resurrection of the dead. After posing His reasons, Jesus stated clearly that the Sadducees were "greatly mistaken" in their beliefs <Mark 12:27>. The multitude who heard Jesus' argument were "astonished at His teaching" <Matt. 22:33> and the Sadducees were "silenced" <Matt. 22:34>. (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary) (Copyright (C) 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

SAFFRON -- A plant used for flavoring food, drinks, medicines, perfume, and dyes Song of Sol 4:13-14

SAINT -- Christian believer set apart for God's service use in the New Testament. Rom 1:7; Heb 6:10 The word refers to a pious Jew in the Old Testament Ps 16:3 The saints of God's kingdom have Spiritual blessings reserved for them. Col 1:12

SALAMIS -- On the island of Cyprus a town that Paul and Barnabas preached during the first missionary journey Acts 13:4-5

SALIM -- Where John the Baptist baptized was a place near Aemon west of the Jordan River. John 3:23

SALMON -- Ruth's husband, the father of Boaz, who is listed as an ancestor of Christ Matt 1:4-5

SALOME --She was one of the faithful band women who supported Jesus, the wife of Zebedee and the mother of John and James, she was present at the crucifixion and visited the sepulcher. She was the women who asked Jesus if one of her sons could sit on the right side and the other son on the other side of the kingdom Matthew 20: 20--22; Mark 15:40; 16:1

SALT -- A mineral used to preserve and season food. Jesus referred to his followers as the "salt of the earth" but warned that compromise would diminish their witness Matt 5:13; Luke 14:34-35

SALT, CITY OF -- Near the Dead Sea or "Salt Sea" a city in the wilderness of Judah Josh 15:62

SALT, VALLEY OF -- A valley that contained heavy salt deposits near the Dead Sea. King David and King Amaziah were victorious in battle II Sam 8:13; II Kings 14:7-8

SALUTATION -- An elaborate greeting, usually involving repeated embracing and bowing. Luke 15:20 Jesus advised His disciples when he sent them out to "salute no man by the way" Luke 10:4 Jesus may of not wanted them to get involved with salutation if it took a long time with each person.

SALVATION -- It is the process of God's work in delivering us from sin and reconciling us to Himself. In Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in Christ alone Apostle Peter declared.

SAMARIA -- Of the Northern Kingdom the capital city of Israel. This name is often applied to the region surrounding it. Omari, king of Israel built the city about 900 B.C. it the time when the Assyrians overran the Northern Kingdom II Kings 17:3-24

SAMARITAN -- Between Judea and Galilee an inhabitant of the district of Samaria. Jews considered these people to be inferior because of their mixed-blood ancestress going back to their intermarriage with foreign colonist place here by the Assyrians II Kings 17:3-24 Jesus associated with them Luke 9:52; John 4:4-30 and used them as an example of a good neighbor Luke 10:29-37

SAMECH -- Used as a heading over Ps 119:113-120 The fifteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

SAMGAR-NEBO - A prince of the family of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia while the city was being captured sat in the middle gate of Jerusalem Jer 39:3

SAMOS -- The apostle Paul visited this island of Greece off the coast of Lydia. Acts 20:15

SAMOTHRACIA (SAMOTHRACE) -- The apostle Paul visited this island in the Aegean Sea on his way to Macedonia Acts 16:11

SAMSON -- Samson was from the tribe of Dan and was the son of Manoah. He was a well-known Judge who judged for twenty years, however it was his unusual strength rather than his office that he is popularly remembered. He was a Nazirite, so his hair had never been cut and this is where he laid his feats of strength in. Delilah was responsible for his downfall after he imparted this information to her. When his hair was cut God left him and his great strength failed him. God returned to grant him his last prayer. Judges 13:24; 14, 15 , 16

SAMUELSHEMUEL -- Samuel anointed both Saul and David and for this reason was referred to as "The King Maker: Samuel was the last of the Judges and the first of the prophets, the offices of judge and priest had been separated, Samuel was the sole ruler between Eli and Saul. Israel had been ruled by Bod before Samuel and when his died it became a kingdom under Saul. Samuel was born in Ramah and started a school for an order of oral prophets, held his judicial residence and was buried there. The town is fifteen miles south of Shiloh and six miles north of Jerusalem. The temple where Ekanath and Hannah went annually to pray was located at Shiloh. Eli was the priest and the Ark of the Covenant reposed at Shiloh. Hannah had prayed fervently for a son and when her son Samuel was born, she dedicated Samuel to God and Samuel served in the temple under Eli and upon his death took his place. I Samuel; I Chronicles 6 , 9 , 11 , 26 , 29

SAMUEL, BOOKS OF -- The prophet Samuel who anointed Saul and David as the first two kings of Israel has two historical books in the Old Testament. [1.] Rule as the last judge of Israel Samuel I Sam 1:1-7 [2.] Saul's reign as King I Sam 8:1-15:9 [3.] Rivalry between David and Saul I Sam 15:10-31:13 [4.] Accession of David's throne, his military triumphs, shortcomings and troubles II Sam In the book of I Chronicles some of II Samuel is repeated.

SANBALLAT -- He plotted to kill Nehemiah to stop his rebuilding and reform projects in Jerusalem. He was a very influential Samaritan. Neh 4:7-89; 6:1-4

SANCTIFICATION -- A holy place Lev 4:6 a place or refuge where under God's protection a person is safe Ezek 11:16 a place of public worship Ps 73:17

SANCTUARY -- A holy place Lev 4:6 place to worship Ps 73:17 A place under God's protection that he is safe. Ezek 11:16

SAND -- Seldom found except along the seashore in Palestine, a fine granular soil The word is used figuratively for countless multitudes or numbers Gen 32:12

SANDALS -- Consisting of wood or leather bound to the feet with straps, footwear. They were also removed before entering a holy place or house. Josh 5:15 ; Luke 15:22

SAPPHIRA -- Sapphira was the wife of Ananias, who both of them were struck dead when they claimed to have turned over all the proceeds to Peter from selling a piece of property when actually they had withheld some of the money. Acts 5:1-11

SAPPHIRE -- Used in the breastplate of the high priest, a precious stone or light blue gem Exodus 28:18 It is also used in the New Jerusalem's foundation Rev 21:19

SARAHSARA/SARAI -- Sarai was her original name. Recorded in Genesis 17:15 is the change from Sarai to Sarah which means princess. Sarah must of been a beautiful women to command the attention of two kings. King Abimelech, king of Gerar and the king of Egypt who restored her back to Abraham when they learned that she was Abraham's wife. Abraham and Sarah had the same father, so they were half-sister or half-brother to each other. At the age of ninety years old when they received the announcement by God that they would have a child and name it Isaac they both laughed in their disbelief. Genesis 17:15 -- 18:15; 20:2--21:12 ; 23:1 --25:12 ; 49:31

SARDINE (CARNELIAN) -- A precious stone possibly the same as the sardius Rev 4:3

SARDIS -- One of the seven churches of Asia Minor that was characterized as "dead" Sardis was the chief city of Lydia in Asia Minor and where this church was located Rev 3:1-5

SARDIUS (CARNELIAN) -- Used in the breastplate of the high priest, a precious stone or blood-red color sued in the high priest's breastplate Exodus 28:17 It is also used in the New Jerusalem's foundation Rev 21:20

SARDONYX (ONYX) -- It was used in New Jerusalem's foundation and is a precious stone which combines the qualities of onyx and Sardinia. Rev 21:20

SARGON -- Reigned about 722-705 B.C. as the king of Assyria after completing the siege of Samaria he carried the Northern Kingdom into captivity Isa 20:1

SATAN -- A fallen angel who is called the Prince of this world John 16:11 Satan is subject to God's greater power I John 4:4 Satan entered the serpent who tempted Eve Gen 3:1-6 He falsely harassed and accused Job Job 1:6-12 Jesus described him as a murderer and the father of lies and regarded Satan as a person (Matt 4:1-10) Satan will be cast into the bottomless pit (Rev 20:1-3)

SATRAP -- The governor of a province in the ancient Persian Empire, Word used in the NIV, NRSV Dan 6:1

SATYR (GOAT-DEMON) -- It was an object of idolatrous worship as a Greek mythological figure II Chron 11:15 Wild animals which would dance among the ruins of Babylon was also described with this word. Isa 13:21


SAVIOR -- Christ's Title which emphasizes His work of salvation Matt 1:20-21 A ministry fore told by Isaiah the prophet Isa 61:1-3

SAW -- A tool with sharp teeth used in cutting wood and other items, used in building Jerusalem's temple and sometimes use to execute prisoners of war II Sam 12:31

SCAB -- A hardened, scaly spot left by a skin disease, a sore on the skin, where the skin bleeds and then hardens Lev 13:2, 6-8

SCALL (ITCH) -- a scalp inflammation Lev 13:30-37zzz

SCAPEGOAT (AZAZEL) -- On the day of Atonement, a goat sent into the wilderness by the high priest. the goat symbolically bearing the sins of the people. Lev 16:8-22 Christ, our sin bearer is symbolized by this goat. Isa 53:6

SCARLET (CRIMSON) -- Highly prized as a symbol of wealth and position a color of red II Sam 1:24 Crimson: in the NRSV it symbolized Israel's glaring sin against God with it's brilliance Isa 1:18

SCEPTER -- Carried by a king or other high official as an emblem of authority, a staff or baton Ester 4:11

SCEVA -- Tried in vain to cast out evil spirits in imitation of Paul the sons of a Jewish priest at Ephesus. Acts 19:11-16

SCHIN -- Used as a heading over Ps 119:161-168, the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

SCHOOLMASTER (DISCIPLINARIAN) -- Accompanied children to school but did not function as a teacher, a household servant. Using this word Paul showed the shortcomings of the law. It fell short of providing salvation, it just made the person aware of the sin. Gal 3:24-25

SCORN -- Ridicule and contempt Ps 1:1 Scorners were regarded as wicked and foolish Prov 1:22

SCORPION -- An insect with a poisonous tail and eight legs. Deut 8:15 Used symbolically of a whip for scourging II Chron 10:11-14

SCOURGING (FLOGGING) This punishment was limited to forty lashes because of it being so harsh, they would severely beat you with a leather strap containing bits of sharp metal or pieces of bones. Deut 25:3 Before His crucifixion Jesus was scourged Matt 27:26

SCREECH OWL -- A bird that was noted for its strange cries at night Isa 34:14

SCRIBE (TEACHER OF THE LAW) -- In the days when all documents had to be reproduced by hand, they were a public secretary who specialized in copying the law. Many scribes became teachers, interpreters and were committed to preserving the law in the New Testament times. Their burdensome technicalities brought upon Jesus' condemnation upon them. Matt 5:20

SCRIP (BAG) A satchel or a small bag Matt 10:10 They would use for carrying provisions or food on their journeys. Luke 9:3

SCROLL -- Written on a piece of papyrus or leather and then rolled on a stick with it being unrolled to read it. Rev 6:14

SCURVY -- A skin disease characterized by dry, scaly skin with bright spots caused by extended exposure and an unbalanced diet. Lev 21:20; 22:22

SCYTHIANS -- North of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea members of the nomadic tribes. The Word, A general term for barbaric persons was used by Paul. Col 3:11

SEA -- In the Old Testament time the word was used for any large expanse of water, rivers or lakes, A large body of salt water. Gen 1:10; Isa 19:5

SEA MONSTER -- Of unspecified identity a giant sea creature Lam 4:3

SEA OF GLASS -- Indicating God's purity and holiness and the victory of His redeemed people and appearing to John in a vision as a clear, crystal sea or lake Rev 4:6

SEBA -- A son of Cush and grandson of Ham Gen 10:6-7 The nation made up of Seba's descendants Ps 72:10; Isa 43:3

SEBAT (SHEBAT) -- Of the Hebrew year is the eleventh month Zech 1:7

SECOND COMING -- Returning to earth Christ will punish the unbelieving and wicked and to receive glory from believers II Thess 1:9-10 It will be an event that will happen suddenly and will be "revealed from heaven by his mighty angels" II Thess 1:7 He will raise the dead I Thess 4:13-18 destroy death I Cor 15:25-26 gather the redeemed Matt 24:31 reward all God's people Matt 16:27 All Christians everywhere should be prepared for His coming Matt 24:42 remain faithful in Christian service I Cor 15:58

SECT -- In Judaism a religious movement. (Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes) as well as a political party (Herodians, zealots) "the sect of the Nazarenes" were the early Christians regarded as. Acts 24:5 It also applied to early perversions of Christian Truth Gal 5:20

SECUNDUS -- On Paul's third missionary journey a Christian who accompanied him. Acts 20:4

SEED (OFFSPRING) -- Descendants of a person and thus the life from one generation to another is transmitted. Gen 21:12

SEIRATH (SEIRAH) – A place in Mt. Ephraim, where Judge Ehud hid after assassinating Eglon, king of Moab,  Eglon ( Hebrew: עֶגְלוֹן ‎ ‘Eglon) oppressed Israel and was king of Moab In their assault on Israel he was the head of the confederacy of Moab, Ammon and Amalek. Eglon reigned over the Israelites for 18 years.  Judges 3:26

SELAH -- In Psalms a musical term, possibly calling for a sudden outburst of voices, instruments or a pause. Ps 44:8

SELEUCIA -- Paul and Barnabas set sail on their first missionary journey from this seaport in Syria Acts 13:4

SELF-DENIAL -- Voluntary limitation of one's desires which was a requirement of Jesus for His followers Matt 16:24 Christians to make an offering of themselves to God was urged by Paul Rom 12:1 Sacrifices will be rewarded that is for Christ's sake. Luke 18:29-30

SENNACHERIB -- In the day of Hezekiah Sennacherib was an Assyrian king, reigned 705-681 BC, who invaded Judah. After capturing all the fortified cities of Judah except Jerusalem he then demanded tribute for King Hezekiah II Kings 18: 13-16 An angel destroyed Sennacherib's whole army of 185,000 in one night after his army destroyed some of the fenced cities including Lachish and Gibeah, but Jerusalem was saved by the Angel. He was killed by his two sons in the city that he had created in the temple of Nisroch in Nineveh. In the Oriental Institute in Chicago is the Sennacherib's Prism on which he recorded the account of his invasion of Judah. II Kings 18: 13--19:37; II Chronicles 32: 1-22; Isaiah 36:1 ; 37:17 , 21 , 37

SEPHARVAIM -- The Sepharvaites who were the residents of this city were sent to colonize the Northern Kingdom by the king of Assyria of Assyria in Samara. after Samaria was captured by the Assyrians II Kings 17:24-31 the inhabitants of SEPHARVAIM (which see), planted by the king of Assyria in Samaria. They continued there to burn their children to their native gods.

SEPTUAGINT: There wear many Greek speaking Jews in Alexandria where the translation of the Hebrew Old Testament was translated into Greek. Tradition has it that at Ptolemy, Philadelphus request (285-247 BC) seventy Jews skillful linguists were sent to Jerusalem, to Egypt to translate the Pentateuch. Then later the rest of the Old Testament books were added, and it was called the "Septuagint" Greek was the most common language used and this was the most common version used in Jesus' day. The New Testament was written in Greek with the Old Testament quotations coming from the Septuagint. Originally written on skin and copied by hand. Hebrew was written different with it being in square characters from right to left with small dots or signs, variously attached for vowels. The Vowels system was introduced in the six century AD. The official copies are being kept in the Temples with many copies being sent to the Synagogue. With the invention of printing the danger of errors was reduced. Then with the results of the work of Scholars in comparing the various manuscripts there is a recognized Hebrew text known as Masoretic.

SEPULCHRE (TOMB) -- A place carved out of rock or a natural cave where bodies were buried Gen 23:6-9 Some were whitened for easy visibility Matt 23:27 A person became ceremonially unclean upon contact with a body Num 19:16 Joseph of Arimathea had a tomb or sepulcher prepared which Jesus was buried in. Matt 27:57-60


SERAPHIM (SERAPHS) -- Six winged creatures which purified Isaiah's lips in his vision in the temple and sang God's praises. Isa 6:1-7

SERMON ON THE MOUNT --Delivered to His followers near Capernaum on a hillside Jesus' ethical teaching in Matt 5-7 True happiness Matt 5:2-12 Christian influence Matt 5:14-16 relation of the law and Christian conduct Matt 5:17-48 practice of charity, prayer and fasting Matt 6:1-18 God and possessions Matt 6:19-24 Freedom from anxiety Matt 6:25-34 Judging others Matt 7:1-6 Key to God’s blessing Matt 7:7-12 Warnings about deception Matt 7:13-23 and building life on a secure foundation Matt 7:24-27

SERPENT -- Snake; In the form of a Serpent Satan tempted Eve and Adam to sin Gen 3:1-5 For complaining in the wilderness poisonous serpents were sent to punish the Israelites. Num 21:6

SERVANT -- Someone who serves others: Someone who is under the authority of another. Matt 8:9 The Isaiah depicted the coming Messiah as a Suffering Servant Isa 53;3-12 Jesus declared His mission was to save and serve. Matt 20:28; Luke 22:27

SETH/SHETH -- Father of Enoch and the third son of Adam Gen 4:25-26 Sheth I Chron 1:1

SETHUR -- Representing the tribe of Asher one of the twelve spies who scouted the land of Canaan Num 13:13

SEVEN -- symbolically often used number because it was considered a perfect or round number. Seven days God's creation was established Gen 2:2 Abundance is suggested with the number seven or seven times. Matt 18:21-22

SEVEN CHURCHES OF ASIA -- Located at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea in Asia Minor. These churches were addressed by John in Revelation. Rev 1:11 John addressed, warnings and rebukes to commendation for their faithfulness Rev 2-3

SEVEN SAYINGS FROM THE CROSS -- Utterances that Jesus made as He suffered on the cross (1.) "Father, forgive them" Luke 23:34 (2.) "To day shalt thou be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43 (3.) "Woman, behold thy son" John 19:26 (4.) "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Matt 27:46 (5.) "I thirst" John 19:28 (6.) "It is finished" John 19:30 (7.) "Father, into thy hand I commend my spirit" Luke 23:46

SEVEN STARS (PLEIADES) -- In Greek mythology a brilliant cluster of stars named for the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione Amos 5:8

SHADRACH -- One of Daniel's friends who was cast into the fiery furnace, but miraculous delivered at God's hand was Hananiah but the Babylonians renamed him Shadrach. Dan 3:1-28

SHALMANESER -- An Assyrian King who defeated Israel and reigned about 730-720 B.C. He carried the leading citizens of Israel into captivity II Kings 17:3-6

SHAME -- Disrepute or disgrace which produces a feeling of guilt. It may be caused by evil companions Prov 28:7, idleness Prov 10:5 or excessive pride Prov 11:2

SHAMGAR -- Killing 600 Philistines with an ox goad a Judge who deliver Israel form oppression. Judg 3:31

SHAMHUTH -- In David's army a captain commanded 24,000 warriors. I Chron 27:8


SHAPHAN -- A scribe who helped King Josiah carry out his religious reforms by proclaiming the law and recording temple contributions II Kings 22:3-13

SHAPHAT -- Representing the tribe of Simeon one of the twelve spies who scouted the land of Canaan. Num 13:5

SHARON/SARON -- Along the Mediterranean Sea a fertile coastal plain between Mt Carmel and Joppa. I Chron 27:29 Sharon Acts 9:35.

SHEARING HOUSE -- Where Jehu assassinated the family of King Ahaziah of Judiah in order to become king, a place between Samaria and Jezreel. II Kings 10:12-14

SHEAR-JASHUB -- Given by Isaiah to his son a symbolic name meaning "a remnant shall return" to show God's promise to His people after their period of exile. Isa 7:3-4

SHEATH (SCABBARD) -- A carrying case for a sword or dagger I Sam 17:51 Scabbard Niv John 18:11

SHEBNA -- Under King Hezekiah a treasurer who made a sepulchre for himself. Shebna was predicted by Isaiah would die in exile Isa 22:15-19


SHEEP -- A domesticated animal used as a sacrificial offering and prized for the fleece and food which it provided. Lev 9:2-4 A sign of wealth was large flocks of sheep Job 1:3 Jesus many times spoke of straying sheep as a symbol of lost or a sinful person. Luke 15:4-6

SHEEP GATE -- Repairs under Nehemiah's leadership a gate in the wall of Jerusalem Neh 3:1 , 32

SHEEPFOLD -- It provided protection for sheep; a strong enclosure Jesus is our Good Shepherd who protects His sheep, so we don't need one John 10:1-11

SHEKEL -- A Unit of measure or a Jewish coin. About sixty cents was the silver shekel and about eight dollars was the gold shekel Gen 23:15: Neh 10:32; Jer 32:9;

SHEKINAH -- Usually as a bright light, fire, or cloud a visible manifestation of God's glory. Exodus 13:21; Matt 17:5

SHEM/SEM -- Noah's oldest son who was preserved in the ark Gen 5:32 Shem's children were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. They were ancestors of the Semitic nations known as the Jews, Arameans, Persians, Assyrians, and Arabians Gen 10:22 Greek Form Sem Luke 3:36

SHEMA, THE -- Quoted by faithful Jews each day the noted confession of faith: "Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is one Lord" Deut 6:4-9. Num 15:37-41 and Deut 11:13-21 is also included in the complete Shema.

SHEMAIAH King Rehoboam was warned by this Prophet of Judah not to attack Israel I Kings 12:22-24

SHEMER -- The Capital city of Samaria was built on this hill after this landowner sold King Omri of the Northern Kingdom the land. I Kings 16:24

SHEMINITH -- Appearing on the titles of Psa 6, 12 and I Chrom 15:21 it was a musical term. It may of designate the instrument to be used or the manner of singing.


SHEPHATIAH -- David's son born at Hebron to his wife Abital II Sam 3:4


SHESHAI -- Killed in battle after being driven out of Hebron by Calum a descendant of Anak. Judges 1:10

SHEWBREAD (BREAD OF THE PRESENCE) -- Kept in the tabernacle or temple unleavened bread for ceremonial purposes In the presence of the Lord its name indicated it was exhibited. Num 4:7

SHIBBOLEHT -- In battle it was a password used to distinguish Ephraimites from Gileadites in battle. 42,000 Ephraimites were killed by the Gileadites because they were unable to pronounce the first "h" in Shibboleth. Judges 12:5-6

SHIELD -- Made of wood, a piece of armor, covered with hide or metal and carried in battle for protection. I Chron 18:7

SHIGGAION -- Possibly referring to an increased tempo for singing a musical term in the title of Ps 7

SHIHOR-LIBNATH -- Of the territory of Asher a brook that served as the southwestern boundary. Josh 19:26


SHIMEA/SHAMMUAH -- David and Bath-Sheba’s son, born at Jerusalem I Chron 3:5 Shammua: NIV Shammuah: II Sam 5:14

SHIMEI -- When David was fleeing from Absalom a Benjamite who insulted David. II Sam 16:5-13 David pardoned him but he was later executed by Solomon I Kings 2:36-46

SHIMRON-MERON/SHIMRON -- In upper Galilee a town that was conquered by Joshua Josh 12:20 Shimron Josh 11:1 ; 19:15

SHIP -- Propelled by sails or oars a seagoing vessel John 1:4-5 Solomon's fleet were manned by Phoenicians I Kings 9:26-28 Most of the Mediterranean coast was controlled by the Phoenicians and Phili-stines because the Jews were not mariners.

SHITTAH (ACACIA) -- A tree where the produced lumber was used in the building of the Ark of the covenant and furnishing the tabernacle. Exod 25:10-16; 30:1


SHOA -- Of the Jews a tribal enemy Predicted by the prophet Ezekiel to invade Judah Ezek 23:23-25

SHOBAB -- David and Bathsheba’s son, born in Jerusalem after David became king I Chron 3:5

SHOBACH/SHOPHACH -- Killed in a battle with David's forces a commander of Syrian army II Sam 10:16-18 Shoppach: I Chron 19:16

SHOBI -- When David fled from Absalom an Ammonite who brought provisions to David at Mahanaim. II Sam 17:27-29

SHOSHANNIM -- Meaning "lilies" in the titles of Ps 45, 69, and 80 a musical term possibly indicating the pitch or tune to which these psalms were to be sung.

SHOULDER -- To put a responsibility upon a person's shoulder was to entrust it to his keeping. Isa 9:6 to withdraw it denoted rebellion Neh 9:29 To drop the shoulder signified servitude Gen 49:15

SHOVEL -- To remove ashes from the altar used by priests this tool. Exodus 27:3 Also refers to a winnowing fork or fan Isa 30:24

SHRINE -- Was placed in homes as objects of devotion a miniature replica of the temple where the pagan goddess Diana was worshiped. Ephesus' silversmiths earned their livelihood by making and selling these as trinkets Acts 19:24

SHUAH -- Abraham's son by Keturah Gen 25:1-2

SHUHITE -- A member of an Arabic tribe which descended from Shuah. Abraham and Keturah’s son, Shuah. Bildad Job's friend was a Shuhie Job 2:11

SHULAMITE (SHULAMMITE) -- The beloved or cherished one in Solomon's song was a native of Shulam Song of Sol 6:13

SHUNAMMITE -- Provided food and lodging for Elisha this woman from Shunem. Her son was restored to life by the prophet II Kings 4:4-8-37.

SHUR -- In southern Palestine a wilderness Gen 16:7 After passing through the Red Sea the Hebrew people wandered for three days. Exodus 15:22

SHUSHAN/SUSA -- It is a wealthy and powerful city where Esther interceded for her people and where Persian kings lived. Esther 1:2

SHUTTLE -- This weaving device is so you shoot the thread rapidly from one side of the cloth to the other between threads of the wrap. As a symbol of fleeting time is also how the word is used. Job 7:6

SICKLE -- A tool for harvesting or cutting grain Deut 16:9 As a symbol of God's coming judgment. Rev 14:14-19

SIDON/ZIDON -- Founded by Sidon, the oldest son of Canaan, a Canaanite city about twenty miles north of Tyre. (Gen 10:15) Its shipbuilding is what it is noted for Ezek 27:8, silverware, and dyed fabrics. For its idolatry Sidon was often rebuked by the prophets Isa 23:4; Ezek 28:21 Jesus ministered here. Matt 15:21, 28 Zidon Josh 11:8

SIEGE -- An extended military blockade and assault against a walled city. Jerusalem and other fortified cities of Judah were sieged by King Sennacherib of Assyria. Isa 36:1

SIEVE -- Utensil for sifting meals or flour for cooking. Early sieves were made of hour-hair, papyrus or bulrushes. Amos 9:9

SIGN -- A miracle confirming a person's faith or an event foretelling future happenings. John 4:48 Jonah's deliverance from the whale Jesus warned the wicked to heed the sign. Matt 16:1-4 Signs of Jesus return was foretold by Jesus. Matt 24:3

SIGNET -- Used like a signature to legalize documents an official or Royal seal. Jer 22:24 Sometimes a ring or something in wax.

SIHON -- On their way to Canaan this Amorite king refused to allow the Israelites to pass through his territory, he was defeated by Moses Num 21:21-30

SILAS/SILVANUS -- He accompanied Paul on Paul's second missionary journey. He was a leader in the Jerusalem church and who was imprisoned with him at Philippi Acts 15:40-41; 16:19, 23 At Corinth and Thessalonica he was also with Paul. II Cor 1:19 Silvanus: II Thess 1:1

SILK -- Cloth derived from the silkworm Rev 18:12

SILOAM/SHILOAH/SILOAH -- Through King Hezekiah's underground tunnel from a spring outside the city, a reservoir in Jerusalem that was supplied with water. II Kings 20:20 A blind man was commanded to wash in the pool of Silaom for healing John 9:6-7 Shiloah: Isa 8:6 Siloah: Neh 3:15

SILVER -- Used in utensils and jewelry, a precious metal. Gen 44:2 Was mentioned first in the days of Abraham Gen 13:2 Valued by weight silver was used as a medium of exchange Ezek 27:12

SIVERLINGS (SILVER SHEKELS, SHEDELS OF SILVER) -- Used like money as a medium of exchange, bits of silver Isa 7:23

SILVERSMITH -- A skilled craftsman who made valuable objects by forming them from silver. The model of the temple of Diana was made by the Ephesian silversmiths. Acts 19:24-29



SIN OFFERING -- Of a sacrificial animal an offering presented to God to gain forgiveness for sins, particularly those committed in ignorance or unintentionally Lev 4:2-3 The High priest once a year on the Day of Atonement made a sin offering for all the people. Lev 16:6, 15

SIN, WILDERNESS OF -- Between the Sinai and the Red Sea a wilderness region where manna and quail were miraculously provided for the Israelites by the Lord Exodus 16:1-8

SINAL/SINA/HORER -- In the wilderness of Sinai a mountain peak more than one mile high where Moses tended sheep and saw the burning bush with God's call to deliver His people Exodus 3:1-6 Moses received the Ten Commandments and other parts of the law form God later at this site. Gen 32:25-32

SINEW -- Muscles are attached to bones with this muscle along the thigh Job 10:1 Israelites avoided eating the sinew of the thigh because of Jacob's thigh injury Gen 32:25-32

SINIM (ASWAN, SYENE) -- Jewish exiles would return from this unidentified country or region. Isa 49:12

SINITES -- Descended from Canaan Members of a tribe who settled in northern Phoenicia Gen 10:17; I Chron 1:15

SIPHMOTH -- During his days as a fugitive David hid from King Saul in this place in southern Judah. I Sam 30:30:26-28

SISERA -- Jael killed this Canaanite commander by driving a tent peg through his head while he slept Judge 4:2-22

SISTER -- Term generally used for any near female relative, including a stepsister, or half-sister. I Sam 13:2; Mat 13:56 The word sister was also used to denote members of the same spiritual family Rom 16:1

SITNAH -- Dug by Isaac the second well near the Philistine city of Gerar after a dispute with herdsman over water rights Gen 26:21

SIVAN -- Closely to our June the third month of the Hebrew year Esther 8:9

SLANDER -- A destructive and deceitful statement against another. Ps 52:2 The wicked uttered such statements against the righteous Job 1:9-11 and believers I Pet 2:12

SLAVE -- A person pressed into service by his or her owners who bought them as a piece of property. In Bible times slavery was comm but Christian teachings brought some moderation of the practice Eph 6:5-9 Philemon was appealed to by Paul to receive his runaway slave Onesimus as a brother in the faith. Phellem 15-18

SLIME (TAR, BITUMENT) -- Used in building the tower of Babel a rat like substance possibly bitumen or mortar Gen 11:3 It was used as waterproofing and mortar for bricks Exodus 2:3

SLING -- Used to throw stones a weapon made of a leather thong Judges 20:16

SLUGGARD -- An inactive or lazy person. Will lead to poverty this habitual idleness Prov 13:4; 20:4

SMITH -- A worker who worked with metal and fabricated tools, weapons and ornamental objects from it. The first smith mentioned in the bible is Tubal-Cain Gen 4:22

SMYRNA -- About sixty miles north of Ephesus a city of Ionia where one of the seven churches of Asia Minor was located Rev 1:11 This church was being persecuted by the "synagogue of Satan" and the Lord encouraged them. Rev 2:8-11

SNAIL (SLUG) -- He leaves a trail of slime for this creature with a spiral shell. Even as a snail shrinks after depositing its slime the psalmist expressed hope that his enemies would melt away. Ps 58:7-8

SNARE (NOOSE) -- A net or trap used for catching animals. Figuratively the word is used for the pitfalls of the wicked Job 18:10 Also represents death or calamity II Sam 22:6

SNOW -- Precipitation that is frozen. One snowfall is recorded in the Bible in the Old Testament. II Sam 23:20 Figuratively the word is used of winter Prov 31:21 and moral purity Matt 28:3

SNUFFER, SNUFFDISH -- For ceremonial use, two separate tools. One is used for the trimming the wicks of lamps that is in the tabernacle and the other one is for carrying away the trimmings Exodus 25:38

SOBER, (SENSIBLE, TEMPERATE, SELF-CONTROLLED) -- Seriousness or moderation, In church leaders a quality desired I Tim 3:2 Sensible I Tim 3:11 As we await the Lord's return this is an appropriate attitude for believers I Thess 5:5-6

SODOM/SODOMA -- Destroyed by God because of its wickedness, one of five cities. Gen 19:1-28 As a symbol of evil and as a warning to sinners it is often mentioned in the Bible. Isa 1:9 ; Rev 11:8 The Greek form: Sodoma Rom 9:29

SODOMITE (TEMPLE PROSTITUTE) -- Condemned by God, a man who engaged in sexual activities with other men, Deut 23:17-18

SOJOURNER -- In a foreign country a person who lived temporarily there. Heb 11:9 Abraham sojourned in Egypt Gen 12:10 and in exile and captivity so did the Jews. Ezra 1:4 Symbolically the word is also used of Christians in the World I Pet 1:17

SOLDIER -- A person engaged in military service Num 1:3 Figuratively used is the concept of Christian workers Eph 6:11-18

SOLEMN ASSEMBLY -- Usually occurring during a major Jewish festival a religious gathering, which was devoted to prayer, repentance, and confession Lev 23:36 ; Deut 16:8

SOLOMON -- The son of David and successor as king of Israel who reigned about 970-930 B.C. Solomon prayed for and received divine wisdoms and insight I Kings 3. With it he developed fame as a wise and efficient king of great wealth. I Kings 4:1-28 He completed the building of the temple in Jerusalem at God's command. I Kings 5-8 With his marriages with pagan wives he drifted away from commitment with God. I Kings 11:1-8 To support his ambitious kingdom building projects He oppressed his people. I Kings 12:4 The ten northern tribes rebelled under Jeroboam after Solomon's death and formed their own nation known as Israel or the Northern Kingdom I Kings 12:1-19

SOLOMON, POOLS OF -- Near Bethlehem King Solomon built water reservoirs to supply water for Jerusalem through a system of underground passages Eccles 2:6

SOLOMON'S PORCH (SOLOMON'S COLONNADE, SOLOMON'S PORTICO) -- Featured a double row of elaborate columns about forty feet high, it is a porch on the eastern side of the temple in Jerusalem. Acts 3:11 By Solomon's porch Jesus entered the temple. John 10:23

SOLOMON'S SERVANTS -- Forced to work on the temple and other building projects Canaanites enslaved by Solomon I Kings 5:17-18

SON -- A male descendant. The birth of a son brought celebration and joy, through its sons a family's traditions and heritage were passed on. Gen 21:2

SON OF GOD -- It emphasizes His deity a title of Christ. Mary was told by an angel that she would give birth to the "Son of God" Luke 1:35 "This is my beloved Son" A voice from heaven declared. Matt 3:17 Specifically to encourage belief in the Son of God John's Gospel was written. John 20:31

SON OF MAN -- A title of Christ, used often by Jesus Himself, which emphasized His Messiahship and humanity. Daniel's prophecy of God's messenger who would come on a mission of redemption was probably inspired this title. Dan 7:13-14

SONG OF SOLOMON -- A Old Testament short book filled with expressions of affection between two lovers 1:13; 4: 1-11 ; 7:2-10 Solomon is mentioned several times in the poems and for this reason most scholars believe Solomon wrote the book. 1:1, 5 ; 3:7 , 9 , 11 ; 8:11-12 These words have been interpreted both symbolically and literally. Some take it as the song symbolizes God's love for His people Israel while other take it as love between husband and wife.

SOOTHSAYER (DIVINER) -- Claimed to have the power to foretell future events, a fortune-teller. Josh 13:22 interpret dreams Dan 4:7 and reveal secrets Dan 2:27

SOP -- Accordance with Palestinian dinning customs a small portion of bread or food held in the hand and used to soak up liquid foods, such as soup John 13:26-30

SOPATER -- On the third missionary journey a Christian who accompanied Paul Acts 20:4 Sosipater may be the same person Rom 16:21

SOPE (SOAP) -- Used for bathing and for purifying metals an alkaline substance. Jer 2:22 would clean the outside by not removing sin or iniquity.

SORCERY (MAGIC) -- To gain hidden knowledge the exercise of power received from departed or evil spirits to gain hidden knowledge Exodus 7:11; Acts 8:9-24 Specifically prohibited by God was the practice or witchcraft and sorcery. Lev 19:31

SOREK -- The home of Delilah, who betrayed Samson, a valley between Ashdod and Jerusalem. Judges 16:4

SORROW -- Sadness or grief that may be caused by death of a loved one John 11:33-35 sin Gen 3:16-17 or persecution Esther 9:22 A source of comfort in times of sorrow is the Christian's eternal hope. I Thess 4:13, 18

SOSIPATER -- To the church at Rome Paul's kinsman whose greetings were sent to the church at Rome. Rom 16:21 This may be or may not be the same person as Sopater Acts 20:4

SOSTHENES -- When Paul was arrested at Corinth for preaching this ruler or the synagogue at Corinth who was beaten by a mob. Acts 18:17 Paul may of greeted this same person in I Cor 1:1

SOUL -- Man’s inner nature that is the seat of our appetites, passions, and sensations. Also used for meaning person Rom 13:1

SOUTH COUNTRY (NEGEV, NEGEG) -- Around the Dead Sea a hilly wilderness region in southern Palestine. Two other names for this place were "the land of the South' and "the South" Judge 1:16

SOUTH RAMOTH -- David hid when fleeing from King Saul in this place bordering the desert in southern Judah I Sam 30:26-27

SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD -- God is in control of the universe, a theological phrase which expresses the truth. God's creation of the world and man implies His continuing sovereignty and rule Gen 1:1 ; Ps 8:1-5 Expressed by His title, Almighty and His supreme authority Rev 1:8 He has graciously provided salvation for all who trust Christ In His holy character, the Sovereign must punish sin. Rom 9:22-24

SOWER -- A person, mostly done by hand, who plants seeds as in Jesus' parable of the Sower Matt 13:3-23

SPAIN -- Paul expressed a desire to visit this country in southwestern Europe. Rom 15:24, 28 It was known to Romans as Hispania and to the ancient Greeks as Iberia. When Jonah was thrown overboard by the superstitious sailors Jonah's ship was headed for Tarshish, Spain. Jon 1:3, 15

SPAN -- Equal to about nine inches a measure of length Exod 28:16 Also used to indicate a small amount of time or space I Sam 17:4; Isa 40:12

SPARROW -- Common in Palestine, a small bird which was sold as food for the poor Matt 10:29, 31

SPEAR -- Consisting of a metal point on the end of a long shaft I Sam 13:22 used as a weapon of war II Sam 2:23 A smaller version would be a dart or javelin.

SPEARMEN -- Spears as light arms for soldiers Acts 23:23

SPECKLED BIRD (BIRD OF PREY) -- Jeremiah compared the nation of Israel to a speckled bird, but the phrase is of uncertain meaning. Jer 12:9

SPICE -- Used in perfumes and ointments an aromatic vegetable compound Exodus 30:23-36 Also used for burial the preparing of the bodies Mark 16:1

SPIDER -- This insect's frail web was used to provide a lesson on the fleeting schemes of the wicked Job 8:14; Isa 59:9

SPIES -- Sent to investigate Canaan and then report on their findings, One for each or the twelve tribes. Num 13:1-3, 30-33

SPIKENARD (NARD) A perfume or ointment that was expensive and highly prized. Song of Sol 4:13-14 Used to anoint Jesus' feet and hands John 12:3

SPINNING -- Using a rotating loom or wheel the process of making yarn into cloth by hand Prov 31:19

SPIRIT -- Man's reason, conscience, and nobler affections II Cor 7:1 ; Eph 4:23 In John 3:8 "wind is the root meaning of the word .

SPIRITS IN PRISON -- From 1st Peter 3:18-20 a much-debated phrase which seems to indicate that Christ, in His spiritual existence preached to the "spirits in prison" who disobeyed God during the days of Noah. Some scholars disagree and claim that Christ did not descend into hell but that his eternal spirit (was made alive later in His resurrection) preached to the spirits at the time of their disobedience.

SPIRITUAL GIFTS --Gifts freely bestowed by the Holy Spirit upon believers Jas 1:17 that is for the edification of fellow believers and the Church. Rom 1:11; I Cor 12:28 Romans listed Gifts as preaching, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, and helping others. Rom 12:6-8 I Corinthians list wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues I Cor 12:8-11 Love being the supreme spiritual gift I Cor 12:31 13:13

SPIT -- A person's saliva. To spit was a gesture of extreme contempt Num 12:14 Jesus to cure a man's blindness used saliva Mark 8:23

SPOIL (PLUNDER, BOOTY) -- Goods or plunder seized by bandits or taken in war Num 31:9 Strict regulations for division of the spoils of was among his soldiers was established by David I Sam 30:20-25

SPOON (PITCHER, FLAGON) -- Used as a center for burning incense in the temple and tabernacle a shallow pan or dish. Exod 25:29 STABLE -- An animal shelter. Ezekiel prophesied that the city of Rabbah would become a stable for livestock Ezek 25:2, 5

STABLE --The Ammonites were denounced by Ezediel by prophesying the city of Rabbah would become a stable for livestock. A stable was a shelter for animals. (Ezek 25:2 , 5 )

STACHYS -- At Rome a fellow believer who was greeted and commended by Paul Rom 16:9

STACTE (GUM RESIN) -- Possibly gum or spice from the styraz tree an ingredient used in the sacred incense burned in temple ceremonies. Exodus 30:34

STAFF -- Used to remove fruit from trees and to goad animals, a long stick or rod. Isa 28:27 It was also used for defense and support for the old and infirm Exodus 21:19

STALL -- Storage area or a stable for horses. 4,000 stalls for horses and chariots were owned by King Solomon II Chron 9:25

STANDARD (ENSIGN) -- Used to identify groups of warriors or troops, Banner, streamer, or flag Each tribe of Israel marched under its own unique banner in the wilderness. Num 2:2

STANDARD BEARER -- A highly regarded position, the person who carried the standard or flag of his people or of his army. Isa 10:18

STAR -- Visible in the sky at night a luminous body. Except the sun and moon all heavenly bodies were regarded by the Hebrews as stars. Gen 1:16 A noble mark of God's creative power the stars were. Ps 19:1 Symbolically for ministers, angels, princes, and rulers Stars were. Job 38:7; Dan 8:10 Rev 1:16-20 "the bright and morning star" was the name given to Christ Rev 22:16

STARGAZERS -- Astrologers: By using the movement of the stars a person who attempted to predict the future Noted for their reliance on astrology was the Babylonians. Isa 47:1, 13

STATUTE (DECREE) -- A law which regulates behavior and conduct that was commandment or official pronouncement Exodus 18:16

STEADFASTNESS -- In one's faith and activities patience and persistence Heb 3:6, 14 Believers were encouraged to endure persecution Rom 8:35-37 and chastening Heb 12:7

STEEL -- Used by the KJV a word for brass or copper Jer 15:12

STEPHANAS-- From the city of Corinth a Christian who visited Paul I Cor 1:16

STEPHEN -- The first martyr of the Christian cause a zealous believer. Of Greek background a Jewish believer, was among the seven "deacons" selected by the early church. Acts 6:5-8 He was stoned to death on a charge of blasphemy for his criticism of Old Testament laws and traditions which brought him into conflict with Jewish leaders Acts 7:55-58

STEWARD -- Usually a large household employed a person as a custodian, manager, or administrator Gen 43:19 Christians are urged to be faithful stewards of the gifts that God has given them. I Cor 4:1-2

STEWARDSHIP -- Using God given resources wisely and responsibly. Our stewardship should be based on God's ownership of all things Gen 1:1; Ps 24: 1-2

STOCKS (SHACKLES) -- The public punishments of offenders, a wooden frame containing holes for confining hands, feet and sometimes the neck. Job 33:11

STOICKS (STOICS) -- Paul in his visit to Athens encountered a group of Philosophers Acts 17:18

STOMACHER (RICH ROBE) -- A women's expensive, festive robe Isa 3:24

STONING -- Capital punishment for the Jewish people specified in the law for the following offenses: (1.) Sacrificing children to idols Lev 20:2-5 (2.) Breaking the Sabbath Num 15:32-36 (3.) idolatry Deut 17:2-7 (4.) The rebellion of children against parents Deut 21:18-21 (5.) Adultery Deut 22:23-24 Capital punishment was also used on the prophets Heb 11:37 Stephen Acts 7:59 and Paul Acts 14:19-20

STORE CITY (STORAGE TOWN) -- Supply deports or a city for the storage of equipment, food, and weapons of war II Chron 8:4

STOREHOUSE -- A building made for storing food. To get ready for the years of famine Joseph built grain storehouse in Egypt Gen 41:48-49

STORK -- To the Jews an unclean animal Lev 11:19 Similar to the crane a long-necked migratory bird Ps 104:17

STRAW -- Used for food for livestock, and strengthening and binding ingredient in bricks Exodus 5:7 , 16 Different between hay and straw is that straw is a byproduct of something, stems off of wheat, oats,

STREET -- In the city a traffic lane, streets at that time was mostly crude crooked and narrow, Jer 37:21 Called Straight in the streets in Damascus was exceptionally wide Acts 9:11

STRIFE -- Bitter conflict caused by a worldly spirit I Cor 3:3 or self-seeking Luke 22:24 Unselfishness and a brotherly spirit can avoid strife. Gen 13:7-8

STUBBLE -- Left in the field after harvesting the short stumps of grain stalks. Exodus 5:12 Symbolized instability and impermanence Isa 33:11

STUMBLINGBLOCK -- A person’s hindrance to belief or understanding. The stumbling block for Israel was iniquity and idolatry Jer 18:15 Christians were urged by Paul no to offend or serve as a hindrance to a weak brother. Rom 14:13 For the Jews the preaching of "Christ crucified" was a stumbling block I Cor 1:23

SUBURBS (PASTURE LANDS) -- Used for grazing livestock or other purposes it was the open country around a city. Josh 21:11

SUCCOTH -- After leaving Rameses in Egypt it is the Hebrew's first camping site in the wilderness Exodus 12:37

SUCCOTH-BENOTH -- The pagan people who colonized the area after Israel fell to the Assyrians set up this idol in Samaria. II Kings 17:29-30

SUCKLING -- Not yet weaned from its mother's mild infant or young animal. Samuel as judge offered a sucking lamb as a burnt offering to the Lord I Sam 7:9

SUFFERING -- Distress or pain. It may be regarded as fellowship with Christ to suffer for Jesus' sake. Phil 3:10 Stewardship Phil 1:29

SUICIDE-- Taking your own life. This act is a violation of the principles of life's sacredness Gen 9:5-6; I Cor 6:19 and God's sovereign rule Rom 9:20-21 Suicide may be brought on by betrayal Matt 27:3-5 disappointment II Sam 17:23 hopelessness Judges 16:28-30 and Sin I Kings 16:18-19

SUKKUM (SUKKITES) -- Allied with Pharaoh Shishak of Egypt when he invaded Judah and Ethiopian or African tribe. II Chron 12:3

SUMER -- Now it is the southern Iraq, the southern division of ancient Babylonia consisting largely of the fertile plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It was called Shinar in the Old Testament Gen 10:10 or Chaldea (Jer 50:10)

SUN -- Solar body luminous the day and provides light and heat to earth. There were sun worshipers and some Israelites burned incense to the sun on occasion II Kings 23:5 Figuratively spoken God is the sun and shield Ps 84:11

SUPERSCRIPTION (INSCRIPTION) 76T -- Engraved on coins or other surfaces words. On the cross "King of the Jews" was placed at the top. Mark 15:26

SUPERSTITION -- Impressions or ideas based on fear or ignorance. Ignorance of the one true God caused many superstitions to grow. Rom 1:25, 32

SUPPER -- Usually the evening but the main daily meal of ancient times. Luke 14:16 The word is use in the New Testament of the Passover John 13:1-2 and the Lord's supper I Cor 11:20

SUPPLICATION (PETITION) -- An earnest request or prayer. Paul urged thanksgiving with supplication as an antidote to anxiety Phil 4:6

SUR -- In Jerusalem a gate of Solomon's temple also referred to as "gate of the foundation" II Chron 23:5

SUETY (GUARANTEE) -- Someone who guarantees payment of another person's obligation or debt. A surety or guarantee of a better covenant was Jesus' perfect priesthood. Heb 7:22

SUSANN -- Jesus' female follower who apparently provided lodging and food for Him and perhaps His disciple. Luke 8:2-3

SWADDLING CLOTHES SWADDLINGBANDS -- They were wrapped around a newborn baby, square cloths like a blanket or quilt. Luke 2:7-12 Swaddling-bands--narrow strips of cloth held the swaddling clothes in place. Job 38:9

SWALLOW -- Makes a mournful sound, a Swift bird that nest in buildings. Ps 84:3 ; Prov 26:2

SWAN (WHITE OWL, WATER HEN) -- Perhaps the water hen or ibis but an unclean water bird Lev 11:18

SWINE (PIGS) -- Pigs which is small hogs, are called swine, and the flesh of the swine was forbidden as food Lev 11:7 and were regarded as offensive to the Lord Isa 65:2-4

SWORD -- Soldiers use it as a weapon of war, normally made from iron, a sharp blade. Simeon and Levi used them at Shechem Gen 34:25

SYCAMIN (MULBERRY) -- Bore a fruit like blackberries, a tree or shrub Luke 17:6

SYCHAR -- At Jacob's well Jesus talked to the woman at this city of Samaria John 4:5-40

SYCOMORE (SYCAMORE) -- Valued for its soft durable wood, and its fruit a fig-bearing tree. Luke 19:4

SYMBOL -- An object, word or action which stands for truth or spiritual. The symbol of God's covenant with Israel was Circumcision. Rom 4:11 God's promise not to destroy the world by water again was the rainbow Gen 9:12-13 The believer's direct access to God through Jesus was at Christ's death when the tearing of the temple curtain Matt 27:50-51

SYNAGOGUE -- Developed during their period of exile in Babylonian and Persia a house of worship for the Jews. The emphasis of the Jews shifted from animal sacrifices to worship and teaching of the law. On his missionary journeys outside Palestine Paul regularly proclaimed the message of Christ in Jewish synagogues. Acts 18:4

SYNOPTIC_GOSPELS – To conduct a comparison of the first three Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, you would find a remarkable likeness between the three of them in content, order of events, the Words of Jesus and even the terminology employed in them. At the same time there are surprising differences.
Luke has 1150 verses, Matthew 1068 verses and then Mark at 661 verses.
To help understand it all better, a system of single, double, and the triple tradition is used.                    

The single tradition is where material is only found in one of the Gospels. All three Gospels present one and the same scheme of events, but the events are filled with material that is partly different and partly the same.
The Double tradition is where two of the Gospels have 240 verses in common or are like.
The Triple tradition is all three have 330 verses in common or are alike.
Marks order of the gospel is more preserved in Luke.
Marks order of material is in perfect alinement in two blocks to Luke without disturbing his order.  
Matthew changes the order of mark’s material.
The Galilean ministry is the same in Mark 1:21-45 and Matthew 7:25-8:16 and then Mark 2:1-22 and Matthew 9:1-17 are the same.
The Galilean ministry is different in Mark 1:21-6:13 and Matthew 4:23-13:58.
The first three evangelists have a great difference in common vocabulary and style with John, but a common one together.
Where the gospels completely coincide are few. In Matthew and Mark there are eight, In Matthew and Luke there are six, In Luke and Mark there are three. The Lord’s Word is not similitude in any of the Gospels.
There are numerous ideas to explain this but the problem lies in the fact that  an idea may explain the convergence but it ends up compromising the divergence and vice versa.
Oral Tradition: As it spreads through space and time it is exposed to minor changes of all kinds. To day very few if any author today holds that the oral tradition is the only one and excusive factor explaining the Synoptic question.
There is the two-source theory that is supported by most exegetes among he English and Germans.
The Double tradition denoted by the sign Q from the German Quelle which means Source. Q would have been an Aramaic collection of Jesus’ word. It is a very simple theory but is exposed to grave criticism
The Triple tradition places mark’s gospel as the origin with Matthew and Luke independent of one another but both using Mark’s material.

SYNTYCHE -- In the church at Philippi a female believer whom Paul exhorted with Euodia, to make peace between the two of them. Phil 4:2

SYRACUSE -- On the eastern coast of Sicily a prosperous city visited by Paul Acts 28:12

SYRIA/ARAM -- A persistent enemy of the Jews across several centuries, a nation northeast of Israel I Kings 15:18-20, particularly form David's administration until about 700 BC when Syria fell to the Assyrians. It was called Syria because it was allied with Babylonia and Assyria at one time in history. Syria was a province under Roman control when Jesus was born. Luke 2:2 The nation was also called Aram Num 23:7

SYRO-PHOENICIAN -- Jesus ministered in this area Mark 7:25-31 which was an inhabitant of Phoenicia during the time when Phoenicia was part of the roman province of Syria.